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Sketchbook Series: Danielle Kroll 10 Dec 2011 | 10:14 am
Danielle Kroll is a designer and illustrator living in Philadelphia, PA. She attended Tyler School of Art and is currently an in-house designer for Anthropologie. Danielle’s design and typography work...
The First In Line: From the Sketchbooks of Mattias Adolfsson 9 Dec 2011 | 10:46 am
We were excited back in May to share a peek into Mattias Adolfsson’s fantastically imaginary, obsessively detailed, sketchbooks. Now, his new book The First In Line, published by Sanatorium, compiles ...
100724 Super Junior @ Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook 29 Jul 2010 | 01:21 am
Lol Wednesday might be my unofficial catch up on fandom day. Yesung : It Has To Be You – I LOVE THIS SONG :’((((((. Live pretty much sounds like the studio version keke. Lol @ the fangirls at the end...
Web Design Sketchbook 23 Feb 2009 | 05:52 pm
A website needs to be rendered the old-fashioned-way with pencil and paper before it can progress to illuminated pixels. This can save time and improve appearance during the process. Web designer use...
iDraft iPad App 14 Jul 2010 | 01:54 pm
I ran across this pretty cool program for the iPad call iDraft by Wondershare. It’s currently a free app, but I’m assuming that will one day change. Basically the app works as a quick idea sketchbook....
Autodesk SketchBook Ink for iPad 26 May 2012 | 03:50 pm
Draw a car using Sketchbook Designer 29 Mar 2012 | 05:08 pm
Hello people =) I finally have a tutorial on Sketchbook Designer for you. We use the vector advantages of the program to draw a basic side view of a concept car. This is really basic so I hope you ge...
Introduction to Sketchbook Designer 11 Mar 2012 | 01:37 pm
Hey guys, I finally got around to making a basic tutorial for Sketchbook Designer. I´ve been looking for tutorials on this but haven´t found as many as I´d thought I´d find, so I hope this helps some...
Dessinez sur iPad est un jeu d’enfant avec SketchBook Pro 13 May 2012 | 05:47 am
Description de l’application SketchBook Pro est une application de qualité professionnelle pour la peinture et le dessin. Intégrant le même moteur de peinture que son homologue mobile, SketchBook Pro...
TUMBLR: Digital Sketchbook 27 Feb 2012 | 11:00 pm
The sketchbook and portfolio have been constant pillars of Art, Craft and Design Education. However, with the Nintendo and iPod generations now ‘digital natives’ on image manipulation software, social...