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Mercedes S 500 Plug-in Hybrid: Die Drei-Liter-Oberklasse 27 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
Der VW Lupo 3L gehörte 1999 zu den ersten Dreiliter-Großserienautos. Nun kündigt Mercedes eine S-Klasse mit einem Verbrauch von 3,0 Liter an. Möglich macht es ein Plug-in-Hybridsystem
Ferrari 458 Speciale: Bewegliche Spoiler und mehr Kraft 26 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
Das neue Ferrari-Modell ist zwar nicht der stärkste Italiener, hat aber die höchste Literleistung eines Serien-Saugmotors. Außerdem wackelt nach Porsche nun auch Ferrari mit den Spoilern
More skoda yeti test related news:
Pubblicità della SKODA Yeti a Barcellona 17 Mar 2010 | 09:28 am
In questi giorni si è trasformata in un tormentone in Italia, eppure il video della pubblicità della SKODA YETI è stato girato a Barcellona.Si riconoscono nelle immagini non solo la Torre Agbar (il "c...
спецверсия компактного кроссовера Skoda Yeti Urban 3 Apr 2012 | 04:28 am
1 апреля в Великобритании стартовали продажи SkodaYeti Urban - спецверсии компактного кроссовера Yeti. Автомобили поступили в Соединенное Королевство ограниченной партией в количестве всего 750 штук. ...
SKODA 2 Jan 2012 | 08:10 pm
NEW SKODA YETI INCLUDES VERY ADVANCE AND INTERESTING FEATURES At Skoda, it’s apparent that there are no rigid rules being enforced on the designers, no narrow perfectly defined pathways along whi...
Skoda Yeti Urban limited edition 29 Mar 2012 | 05:01 am
Skoda has released a new limited edition of the Skoda Yeti Urban. Targeted for younger UK buyers, the Skoda Yeti Urban only available for 750 units while featuring a long list of extra equipment worth...
Scopri la nuova Skoda Yeti 4 Nov 2011 | 09:45 am
Skoda Yeti, il SUV Compatto agile e maneggevole su ogni tracciato. La nuova Skoda Yeti è un’auto confortevole, versatile e dal design gradevole, che sa adattarsi ad ogni contesto, dalle strade urban...
Skoda Yeti Urban limited edition 30 Mar 2012 | 04:01 am
Skoda Yeti Urban is a new limited edition car which only available in 750 units. Skoda have said that their new Yeti Urban is targeted for younger UK buyers which comes with lots of extra equipment th...
Skoda Yeti in Delhi Auto expo 2010 22 Apr 2010 | 02:12 am
Skoda yeti is becoming more popular among luxury cars because of their cheaper priceand stylish look, design and color, high power engines, higher fuel capacity Some details : Manufacturer : SKODA A...
Skoda Yeti Greenline. Siz Tasarruf Edin, Doğa Kazansın. 13 Mar 2012 | 06:33 am
Kompakt SUV segmentine yepyeni bir bakış açısı getiren otomobil, Skoda Yeti Greenline şimdi Türkiye yollarında. Yeti Greenline hakkında yazılıp çizilecek çok şey var. Ancak bunların arasında en... [ ...
В Украине стартовало производство автомобилей Skoda Yeti 3 Feb 2011 | 03:55 am
Украинский завод «Еврокар» (с. Соломоново, Закарпатская область) получил разрешение на производство легковых автомобилей Skoda Yeti. В феврале с конвейера украинского предприятия сошла пилотная па...
BT Design's ETAPE Concept Converts Skoda Yeti to Pickup Truck 4 Jun 2012 | 02:52 pm
Making its world premiere at this week's 2012 Auto Mobil International Show (AMI) in Leipzig, Germany, is a new concept model for a small Skoda pickup truck from BT Design, a subsidiary of Benet Autom...