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Железный смерч 14 Aug 2012 | 10:33 pm
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Болотная акула 10 Aug 2012 | 08:48 pm
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More sky fi channel related news:
House of Imagination – SyFy TV Channel Promo HD 26 Jul 2009 | 07:18 am
The new TV Channel SyFy’s (formally known as Sci Fi Channel) new Promo called House of Imagination in HD. New slogen is: SyFy – Imagine Greater (Music: Goldfrapp – Happiness)
Strictly Come Dancing In 3D 20 Dec 2011 | 05:31 am
Having ditched the Sky 3D channel thanks to 12 months of endless repeats I've been lacking normal 3D television content for a while. That was until the BBC decided to broadcast the final of Strictly C...
Tahmoh Penikett, Laura Vandervoort and Ryan Carnes 28 Jun 2011 | 05:36 pm
Sci Fi Channel has cast the leads in a pair of two-night/four-hour movies that, if well-received, could be developed into series. For starters, Tahmoh Penikett (Battlestar Galactica, now on Dollhouse...
Crews TV - Skys Modified Car Show 1 Apr 2012 | 07:57 am
Hi all, Just a quick introduction to us here at Crews and our TV showing which is premiering this Sunday (1st April) 9pm on Sky Showcase (Channel 203) We at have spent a lot of our time ...
Sci Fi Channel founder bashes name change 24 Mar 2009 | 06:07 pm
A co-founder of the Sci Fi Channel is taking offense at NBC Universal's plan to change the network's name. "SyFy, say it's not so!" writes channel originator Mitch Rubenstein. "What would Isaac [Asim...
Season Five Given the Green Light by Sci-Fi 25 Oct 2007 | 02:03 am
From a report in Variety: The Sci Fi Channel has given a fifth-season renewal to "Stargate Atlantis," commissioning 20 fresh episodes. " 'Atlantis' truly came out from under the shadow of its sister ...
Stargate Atlantis Season 4 Hits TV Tonight! 29 Sep 2007 | 11:16 am
The Sci Fi Channel will resume new episodes of Stargate Atlantis tonight (September 28th) at 10 PM. Check out our Atlantis Season 4 Episode Guide for more info on the upcoming episodes, or see our At...
Stargate to Resume April 6 on Sci Fi Channel 31 Jan 2007 | 12:38 pm
According to various reports, the Sci Fi Channel will resume new episodes of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis on April 6th. There will be 10 new episodes of each show. Click below to view a teaser ...
Sci Fi Delays Stargate Until April 5 Dec 2006 | 03:27 pm
According to TV Guide, the Sci Fi Channel has delayed the second half of the current seasons of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis until April 2007. Previously, the shows had been scheduled to return...
Sci Fi channel name change? 26 Mar 2009 | 08:07 am
When I first heard this I thought it was a joke. The Sci Fi channel is changing its name to…. SyFy. pronounced the same way but spelled different. There is even going to be a new logo associated with ...