Most sleek paraguaya swatches related news are at:
Quickie Review: Impulse Cosmetics Opaque Matte Lipsticks 26 Aug 2013 | 07:50 pm
A few weeks ago I noticed a lot of my blogger friends talking about the beautiful eyeshadows of Impulse Cosmetics. I don’t really shop for indie eyeshadow very often any more as I don’t wear eye ma...
Golden Hour 24 Aug 2013 | 08:21 pm
Have you SEEN the amazing crystal brows created by Alex Box for Illamasqua’s The Sacred Hour campaign? They’re stunning. While I have neither the skills or materials to get even close, I wanted to try...
More sleek paraguaya swatches related news:
Iluminator Sleek Glo Swatch (Peach Shimmer) 2 Mar 2012 | 12:07 am
Iluminatorul Sleek Glo conţine pigmenţi ce reflectă lumina pentru a evidentia luminozitatea tenului. De asemenea, acesta poate fi folosit pentru a da un aspect luminos pielii corpului. Iluminator Sle...
Paleta Sleek Makeup Oh So Special - Swatch 19 Feb 2012 | 12:11 am
• Design simplu si elegant, carcasa din plastic negru si mat; • 12 farduri de pleoape intr-o singura trusa; • In interior este prevazuta cu aplicator cu 2 capete din burete; • Selectie de pulberi moi ...
Swatch: Paleta Sun Club da Essence/ Essence Sun Club Palette 30 Aug 2012 | 02:57 am
Confesso que comprei esta paleta por impulso. No momento achei que deveria aventurar-me mais no mundo das sombras e estas como tinham cores neutras (ainda não tinha a paleta da Sleek), eram perfeitas ...
Favoritos do mês - Agosto/ Favorites of the month - August 10 Sep 2012 | 03:31 pm
Querem ver os meus favoritos de Agosto? Vamos lá!/ Wanna see my August favorites? Let's go! Maquilhagem/ Makeup: Paleta Storm da Sleek/Sleek pallete in Storm (swatch here/ aqui) Pincel kabuki da Th...
Já chegaram :) 11 Sep 2012 | 11:27 pm
Os dois produtos que comprei na promoção da Sleek. Já os experimentei, mas assim que tiver uma opinião formada faço swatches e review :) Xoxo*
Sleek GLO Face & Body Highlighter Swatches Review! 10 Oct 2012 | 08:00 pm
Nice trick is a wide range to bring new products. New i-divine palette and lip / cheek products are usuallyRead the Rest...
Swatchfest: Sleek Makeup i-Divine Au Naturel, Storm and Sunset palettes 20 Nov 2012 | 08:22 am
One part of being a blogger is sharing swatches with readers. I especially appreciate this from fellow bloggers who preceeded me because I could have that glimpse of what the product could look like f...
Review& Swatches Sleek MakeUP Aqua i-divine Lagoon Palette 26 Mar 2013 | 11:51 am
Pentru ca am revenit intr-o stare mai optimista decat in ultima luna (in 2 luni plec la Praga,un alt job),am decis sa imi iau revansa si in ceea ce privesc postarile de pe acest blog.Nu,intentia nu...
HAUL: Goodies from Sleek, NYX, Beauty UK & Wet n Wild 22 Apr 2013 | 10:12 pm
Buna fetelor! Pregatiti-va pentru o postare ceva mai lunga cu multe swatch-uri pentru ca tocmai am primit comanda de la Makeup Shop. Folosesc de multa vreme produsele lor, le iubesc, iar astazi am de...
Já chegaram :) 11 Sep 2012 | 11:27 pm
Os dois produtos que comprei na promoção da Sleek. Já os experimentei, mas assim que tiver uma opinião formada faço swatches e review :) Xoxo*