Most slick edit related news are at:

Dan Rants About Things That Don’t Make Much Sense to Him, vol 1 23 Jul 2013 | 10:48 pm
This (‘/’) is a slash. It is used to separate pieces of paths and filenames. It is used by all the UNIX systems I am aware of, the Mac (that’s right, I said UNIX and the Mac separately, and I will c...
SlickEdit tip #431 19 Feb 2013 | 09:58 pm
Today’s tip, as most of these prime numbered tips, comes from something that was a default years ago that I stuck with. Put your build output in an edit window. Most programmer’s editors or IDE’s re...
More slick edit related news:
Caps Opening Night Video 13 Oct 2011 | 10:10 am
Favorite time of the year is watching opening videos. Think the Caps did a nice job here – high end production, slick edit, and a theme that looks like it will be able to be easy to refresh and adjus...
Araba Farlarını Yakma Animasyonu 23 Apr 2012 | 10:22 am
Öncelikle Resmimiz’i açıyoruz.. File menüsündeki Edit in ImageReady e tıklıyoruz ve karşımıza Adobe ImageReady programı açılıyor Aşağıdaki Animation bölümünde yapmak istedğiniz aksiyonlar kadar gör...
Koi 5 Feb 2011 | 09:17 pm
Tweet This is a Koi pond that I photographed in Atami, Japan. Both images have been edited in Photoshop; the first with the watercolor filter, and the second with the cutout filter. Which do you li...
Hello world! 20 Sep 2010 | 12:16 am
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Browser Hack to edit a Webpage 10 Oct 2011 | 09:26 pm
If you really want to impress someone with your hacking skills then this trick will surely help you.Well this is actually not any hacking just a simple javacript trick but the other person will surely...
Persée propose une chaîne XML fondée sur InDesign 12 Mar 2012 | 08:59 pm
En complément des éditions "papier" et pour assurer la continuité de la diffusion des collections, Persée a élaboré et mis en place une chaîne XML en se fondant sur le logiciel de PAO et de mise en pa...
Hello world! 1 Apr 2011 | 10:28 am
Welcome to Ticketfly. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2012 Started 28 May 2012 | 01:40 pm
Ahsay™ Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2012 started. We offer: 1).Handsome bonus on purchasing Ahsay™ OEM Edition , 2). Buy 1 Get 1 Free for Guest Virtual Machine backup license, 3).Extra bonus credit for ex...
Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2011 Started 30 May 2011 | 04:00 pm
Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2011 started. We offer handsome bonus licenses on purchasing Business and OEM Editions, extra bonus credit for meter partners, and 20% discount for professional services. Don'...
6 Edits Made to RSS Specification 31 Mar 2009 | 12:00 am
In a 7-0 vote, the RSS Advisory Board has approved six edits to the RSS specification, the documentation for the RSS 2.0 format. These edits do not affect the definitions of the elements and attribute...