Most small publisher related news are at:

How to build a following -- a short, fun video 23 Aug 2013 | 08:32 pm
Authors are by nature risk takers. We present our deepest thoughts for all to see, subjecting ourselves to a variety of potential responses ranging from rave reviews to brutal derision. As Tim Hil...
2014 Nautilus Book Awards - Special offer for APSS members 22 Aug 2013 | 05:41 pm
APSS members receive a special offer on the 2014 Nautilus Book Awards representing Better Books for a Better World. The official opening "Call for Entries" date is September 21, 2013. However, they ar...
More small publisher related news:
Now available on the Kindle! 14 Feb 2011 | 09:25 pm
Small publishers like ours can never hope to compete with the 'big boys' in terms of paperback and hardback sales. We can't afford the discounts, the distribution fees or the 'sweeteners' to get our b...
Interesting cPanel book (and more) available 17 May 2006 | 10:12 am
The small publisher Packt Publishing have released a book (2 months ago actually) about the cPanel control panel found in many shared hosting accounts. The publisher describes it as a clear, complete ...
Welcome to Incredimazing 10 Aug 2011 | 02:23 pm
We are Incredimazing Media, a small publishing company focused on stories that are at once entertaining, as well as enlightening … or at least, edifying, in some small way. These stories may not be s...
Pill Hill Press Closed 6 Feb 2013 | 02:54 am
I received the Ralan newsletter this morning and discovered a surprise. Pill Hill Press closed up shop. Small publishers come and go all the time. Why would I take interest in this closure? A couple ...
Dear Lovely Author (truths about marketing you need to know) 17 Jun 2013 | 06:33 pm
This piece was commissioned by Colleen Higgs for Modadji’s Small Publishers’ Catalogue 2013. It’s a must-have resource: you can buy it online, or direct from Colleen at cdhiggs at Dear Lov...
Workplace Damage Control: Fixing up your office foul-ups. 1 Sep 2012 | 03:28 pm
When I worked for a small publishing company a few years ago, I sent off dozens of sales packets to potential book buyers. A week later, those packets started arriving back at the office from angry pr...
Swivel Base's Sullivan on why you need a mobile strategy 16 Aug 2013 | 08:23 am
In the latest AudioMag podcast from Magazines Canada, Swivel Base's Greg Sullivan talks small publishers and mobile publishing. "Mobile devices are growing too quickly to ignore," he said. Conversing...
Frankfurt’s Invitation Programme “a great way in” for small publishers 3 Jul 2013 | 02:43 pm
Second day in a row that the Small Publishers’ Catalogue: Africa, 2013 has been written about in Publishing Perspectives. Today they have reprinted the article I wrote up about my experiences on the F...
Small Publishers’ Catalogue: Africa, 2013 “it’s a beauty” 2 Jul 2013 | 03:59 pm
Publishing Perspectives ran a review of the Small Publishers’Catalogue today. Dennis Abrams had this to say: In January of this year, we reported on the news that South Africa’s Modjaji Books was in t...
Looking Back…The First eNovel to be Nominated For The Booker 22 Aug 2013 | 04:01 am
1995 was a year of vast change in the publishing industry. Big publishers were eating up small publishers, best sellers ruled the waves, the small independent publishers were vanishing, and there was ...