Most small wooden box related news are at:

You Know You've Arrived When 12 Jul 2011 | 09:39 am
I had a big complement to my prowess as a woodturner a few weeks ago: Woodworker's Journal contacted me and asked if they could feature some work that I did in an article they were preparing about Amb...
Mothers Day Sale 2011 29 Mar 2011 | 03:05 am
Mothers Day is the perfect chance to get the moms in your life gifts that say thanks - I mean, seriously, who do we owe more than the woman that brought us into the world, unless perhaps it's the woma...
More small wooden box related news:
Spinning for the Commons 21 Jun 2013 | 04:14 pm
On a shelf in the Library of the Schumacher Center for a New Economics sits a small wooden box with worn leather carrying handle—13 inches by 8 inches by 2 inches. It opens to reveal the parts of an a...
Small Wooden Shoe is… 27 Sep 2011 | 02:22 am
click to play a short video
New Google Privacy Policy 2 Mar 2012 | 06:49 am
Most of us Google users will have noticed over the past few weeks and small information box in the top right hand corner of the page. What this has been telling us is that Google is changing its priva...
Matrox Triple Head 2 Go DP Edition T2G-DP-IF - Retail 20 Feb 2012 | 08:17 am
Price: Product Description Matrox TripleHead2Go DP Edition is an external multi-monitor upgrade for laptops, desktop computers and professional workstations. This small black box is ideal for corpora...
SmartHinge. 26 Jan 2012 | 07:38 pm
The Benefits of the SmartHinge Today I received a small jiffy-bag in the post. Inside was a was a small red box, like a jewelery box containing my first SmartHinges. The SmartHinge is an innovative...
What is the wooden box on your interconnects? 11 Feb 2011 | 07:45 am
The wooden block is designed to keep the cables from tangling and does not have any affect on the acoustic performance of our cables. It slides from end to end and can be placed wherever you need it...
Easy Build Dog House Plans 14 Apr 2012 | 01:52 am
Easy Build Dog House Plans is an e-book created by Bill Keene. This is not just a guide to build a wooden box for your dog, but a guide to build a mini house that will make your dog feel comfortable. ...
one stroke painting and stencil technique -box 27 Jan 2009 | 10:21 am
Materials: Wooden box sand stone stencil stencil brush Acrylic paints or enamels paints(folk art) Brushes_one stroke,flat no10-12,script liner Metalic acrylic paint(gold) Hi-shine glaze lacquer-like, ...
one stroke painting technique-wooden box 23 Dec 2008 | 07:19 pm
Materials wooden box Acrylic paints (folk art) Brushes_one stroke,flat no10-12,script liner Metalic acrylic paint(gold) sealer sand stone Steps 1-Prepare the surface of the wooden box.Lightly sand and...
55 Year Old Man from Myanmar (Ethnicity : Karen) 18 Jul 2007 | 06:53 pm
Saw Lay Doh Wah (not his real name) died last year in Malaysia from TB. He was 55. He died in a small wooden hut that he lived with together with his wife and baby daughter. Here is Saw Lay, in his wi...