Most smart gadget trendi related news are at:

[Konsepti] Tulostin, joka tulostaa paperipinon päältä 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Suunnittelija Mugi Yamamoto ideoi opinnäytetyönään tulostimen, joka hoitaa hommansa paperipinkan päältä. Näin ollen kyseisellä laitteella voi työstää useammankin luiskan ennen paperin loppumista. Täll...
Ring Clock – Kellon ja sormuksen yhdistelmä 26 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Tässä on jälleen kerran yksi niistä härveleistä, joka tekisi melkeen mieli hankkia itsellekin. rahoitustaan kerää kello nimeltään Ring Clock. Kyseinen ajannäyttäjä omaa sormuksen muo...
More smart gadget trendi related news:
Toyota Fun Vii 1 Dec 2011 | 08:26 am
Toyota Fun Vii - Smart Phone on Wheels Innovation has changed our way of life, with the introduction of smart phone and smart gadgets our life has been made so easy. Toyota has decided to take innova...
ViewSonic Viewphone 4s 13 Jul 2012 | 03:50 pm
In the month of February, 2012 ViewSonic has announced several of its smart gadgets. Few of them including smartphone and tablets are running on Android OS, v4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). ViewSonic has la...
Mobile Database integration 24 Jul 2012 | 01:31 pm
Mobile Database integration is the procedure of creating and developing software and application programs for cell phones and smart gadgets. These application and software packages are either installe...
ViewSonic Viewphone 4s 13 Jul 2012 | 03:50 pm
In the month of February, 2012 ViewSonic has announced several of its smart gadgets. Few of them including smartphone and tablets are running on Android OS, v4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). ViewSonic has la...
Smart with Smartphones and Smart Gadgets 12 Dec 2012 | 09:37 am
Showing that you use a smartphones or gadgets doesn’t make an image that you’re smart person, since any ‘smart’ devices is basically designed for stupid people who demand for easier and easier operati...
Samsung Galaxy Grand 9 Jan 2013 | 12:27 pm
It is no longer than a week that the company Samsung has on the rampage their mid-ranged master piece, a smart gadget that they call the Samsung Galaxy Grand. The magnificent and easy to carry Smartha...
Track your Kids, Keys or any other objects using Locca! smart Gadget 14 Jun 2013 | 02:29 am
If you one among those who often loose keys,pets, bikes and even kids, I am sure you will be looking after a smart gadget to help you. A German based startup company has developed device to help you ...
Best 13 Fitness Accessories for Smartphones 7 Jul 2013 | 07:59 am
In today’s polluted world it is not enough to get out with covering your face with a breathing mask, a pair of sneakers, for your fitness runs. It is a world of Smart Gadgets where you get various App...
Nexus 7 announced ( Specifications , Price and Pre-Order Details) 30 Jul 2013 | 10:56 pm
Everybody tries to get the most convenient thing in reasonable price. Nexus 7 is announced that is a light weight and smart gadget. You can easily place this wonderful device on your hand palm or back...
Top 10 Trending Smart Gadgets 26 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
Digital Cutting Board Yanko Design The Almighty Board is the ultimate kitchen assistant. This smart-board will simultaneously serve as your cutting board, display your recipes, provide step-by-step....