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Usai Sudah.... 15 May 2011 | 08:56 pm
Sebuah perjalanan yang terjal harus ku alami....terasa hati tak kuasa menahan dera dan coba yang diberikan oleh-Nya. Tapi apa daya semua telah terjadi, meskipun seribu sesal terus membayangi...aku mer...
Siswa Pesantren Buat Laptop Murah 28 Dec 2010 | 10:45 pm
Laptop lokal hasil karya para santri di Pesantren Bale Kembang, Desa Gemiring Lor, Nalumsari, Jepara, mulai dilirik pecinta gadget. Karya para santri ini banyak diminati pembeli, karena harganya cukup...
More smart telecom fox related news:
Natal dan Tahun Baru 2011 : Harga Modem Murah Untuk SmartFren 26 Dec 2010 | 12:05 am
Smartfren, kolaborasi pemasaran antara Smart Telecom dan Mobile-8 Telecom, turut menyambut Natal dan pergantian Tahun Baru 2011 dengan menggelontorkan ribuan modem 3,5G CDMA seharga Rp 99 ribu. Penaw...
Lowongan Kerja SMART Telecom 5 Jul 2009 | 09:27 pm
SMART Telecom is a cellular telecommunication network and service provider under SINARMAS GROUP, currently developing telecommunication technology with third-generation (3G) CDMA 2000 1X EVDO basis wh...
Gratis facebook, Chatting & Browsing dari Browser Opera Mini Smart 23 Dec 2009 | 07:55 pm
Smart Telecom kembali mengeluarkan paket Gratis Sepuasnya Facebook, Chatting dan Browsing Seumur Hidup!! menggunakan Hape Samsung Pinger SCH-R351 dengan harga Rp 999 ribu (+PPN) Samsung Pinger SCH-R3...
Smart Telecom and RIM Launch the First CDMA Based BlackBerry Smartphone in Indonesia 13 Dec 2009 | 11:12 pm
Jakarta, Indonesia Smart telecom, a national cellular operator, and Research In Motion, a global leader in wireless innovation, today launched the EVDO-enabled BlackBerry® Curve™ 8330 smartphone in In...
Smart Telecom and RIM launch the first CDMA BlackBerry in Indonesia 13 Dec 2009 | 11:02 pm
As Indonesia recently got introduced to the BlackBerry solution, they have been strictly on GSM networks (for BlackBerry devices). Earlier this week Smart Telecom provided the first CDMA BlackBerry in...
Mempercepat Akses Internet Smart Telecom 31 Mar 2011 | 02:39 am
Akses Internet menggunakan Smart atau Wireless GSM / CDMA mulai terasa menurunnya kecepatan akses internet terutama pada jam-jam sibuk. Memang ini merupakan hal yang wajar dikarenakan... [[ This i.....
BlackBerry Smartphones account for majority of SMART mobile broadband usage 1 Oct 2011 | 10:02 pm
SMART Telecom sent out a press release saying that smartphone and mobile broadband usage in their network is growing at an unprecedented pace. The report says that the usage of broadband via smartphon...
UJI HP MODEM SMART : PILIH MANA? 27 Dec 2009 | 05:57 am
UJI HAIER D1200P VS ZTE C261 VS HAIER C700 SMART TELECOM baru-baru ini mengeluarkan dua hape modem yang murah meriah. Selain bisa dibuat untuk voice dan sms, juga bisa dibuat untuk akses data. Lumaya...
How To Get a Boosted Signal from Sun Cellular 26 Jun 2012 | 05:36 am
We all know that Sun Cellular's promos are the cheapest of all telco promos for their prepaid, and with Smart Telecom's recent purchase of Sun Cellular, their plans for expanding and enhancing Sun's s...
Tutorial How to Inject Blackberry CDMA 9 Nov 2012 | 11:13 am
NAM Setting & Programming for Blackberry Smart Telecom Step 1 ( Important!!! ): Buy a new SIM Card, here I use Smart Telecom, you can buy it at SMART Galeries Ask to the customer service 26 digits ...