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Vine has 40 million users 22 Aug 2013 | 06:17 pm
We've said this before and we'll say it again: this community - now more than 40 million of you - is amazing. Thank you for inspiring us. — Vine (@vineapp) August 20, 2013 Source: Tweet from Vine, 2...
Mobiles (excluding tablets) account for 17% of global web traffic 21 Aug 2013 | 04:21 pm
Click to enlarge Source: Data from StatCounter, reported by Mashable, 20th August 2013
More smartphone users statistics related news:
Cyber Crime Statistics and Trends 17 May 2013 | 02:53 pm
Infographic by- Related posts: Social Media Advertising – Spending Statistics and Trends No Conviction For Cyber Crime In Karnatka From Nine Years Smartphone Users Statistics and Facts...
Valentine’s Day Special Apps for Smartphone Users 14 Feb 2012 | 12:17 am
It is that time of the year when we officially celebrate the day meant for lovers. Yes, it is St. Valentine’s birthday! Few wise men may argue that every single day or every single moment in life need...
A Bouncer in the Android Market to keep the Malwares at bay 4 Feb 2012 | 12:35 am
The Android Marketplace offers a grandeur of exciting apps and softwares for the Android based smartphone users. With most of these apps coming for free, the paid ones too are available at affordable ...
How to preserve the battery life of your mobile phone 23 Aug 2010 | 11:14 pm
Running out of battery is one of those real niggles in life, especially if you are a smartphone user. However, by tweaking the way you look after your phone you can extend the battery life quite signi...
Latest Stats On Local Marketing Online (Oct 2011) 8 Nov 2011 | 02:08 pm
Would you have guessed that the San Francisco has the highest concentration of smartphone owners in the U.S. or that 12% of smartphone users access social media in restaurants? Read on for more surpr...
Ways to Get Started With Your Android Phone 27 Dec 2011 | 07:23 pm
Android is one popular OS for Mobile phones. Here are ways you can get started with your Android Smartphone. With the ever increasing number of Android Smartphone users, there is a great tendency th...
India Has More Active smartphone Users Than in U.S: Google Survey 6 May 2012 | 07:46 pm
We know consumers love their smart phones and their magical features. Google partnered with IPSOS and the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) to understand this very behavior and gain a greater insight...
Why Companies Need Mobile Marketing 15 Dec 2011 | 06:17 pm
Mobile devices have become an extension of us. So much so that 35% of smartphone users use SNS apps before even getting out of bed! Mobile subdomains are essential to mobile commerce. Mobile-friendl...
The Smartphone User Feel: Android Phones With Keyboards 23 May 2012 | 02:38 pm
More than likely one of the smartest evolving and most variable industry in the united states in these days is the sharp phone and additionally tablet markets. The software was not which usually long ...
iPhone Tracking Device: MobileMonitor Ensures Complete Protection 30 May 2012 | 07:40 pm
Smartphone users take pride in their prized possessions. These advanced handsets come at a high price. Often people buy them by saving their hard-earned money quite miserly. Naturally, it is quite pai...