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关于smarty的一点小知识 20 May 2012 | 03:08 pm
做php网站开发的知道smarty可以将网站程序和美工分开,所以学习phpsmarty是必学的! /********smarty foreach*******/ =======无键值数组 {foreach from=$name item=id} id: {$id}<br> {/foreach} =======无键值数组 {foreach key=j item=v from=$name } {...
Ecshop模版中foreach输出数组的序号 30 Apr 2011 | 05:41 pm
php文件(*.php)有代码如下: $phparray=array(‘a’,'b’); $smarty->assign(‘array‘, $phparray); 对应的模板文件(*.dwt)有代码如下: <!–{foreach from=$array name=arrayname item=db}–> {$smarty.foreach.arrayname.index} – {$db} ...
ECSHOP中实现循环输出排序序号的方法 17 Jun 2012 | 08:23 am
使用ECSHOP建站过程中,有时需要使用到商品排行榜之类的,需要循环输出序列号1.2.3.4…等。 下面来看看如何操作吧,其实很简单,注意下边标颜色的参数要对应才行。 <!–{foreach name=cat_id1_hot_goods from=$cat_id1_hot_goods item=goods}–> <li><span>{$smarty.foreach.cat_id1_hot_g...
ecshop 模板标签介绍 24 May 2012 | 02:39 am
ecshop 采用 SMARTY模板引擎介绍 以下 是smarty 模板引擎的一些资料 Smarty 官方 ECSHOP模板引擎语法 1.foreach {foreach from=标签 item=输出别名} {$输出别名.属性} {/foreach} 当需要用到控制时: {foreach name=标签名 from=标签 item=输出别名} {$输出别名.属性} {$sma...
Pay Attention to the Foreach Implicit Casting 29 Jul 2009 | 04:11 am
Last week, I stumbled upon the following piece of code: Can you see the bug in that code? We convert all of the doubles in the list to integers, truncating them. I was very surprised that the comp...
Betting on Horse Racing For Dummies 20 Feb 2013 | 12:03 pm
Betting on Horse Racing For Dummies How to enjoy a day at the races-and bet to win!The last two years have seen a record number of Americans tune in for climatic Triple Crown races featuring Smarty Jo...
Betting on Horse Racing For Dummies 19 Feb 2013 | 06:07 am
Betting on Horse Racing For Dummies How to enjoy a day at the races-and bet to win!The last two years have seen a record number of Americans tune in for climatic Triple Crown races featuring Smarty Jo...
Great app deals: TEN Smarty Ears apps reduced to only $4.99 each! 15 Jul 2013 | 02:11 am
I was checking the apps that have dropped in price over the last 24 hours and I saw a couple of Smarty Ears apps on my wishlist had dropped in price to only $4.99. Upon further investigation it app...
[AngularJS]AngularJS 入門教學 - ngRepeat (一) 22 Aug 2013 | 08:44 pm
有用過 Smarty 的都知道 foreach 的好用,就像一般我們在寫程式中若需要做一些重覆性的輸出都會使用類似 for 或是 foreach 的功能,而 AngularJS 則是提供了 ng-repeat 來讓我們達到類似效果。 打開我們的 practice/index.html: 檢視原始碼 HTML 假設我們也想要產生一樣的清單的話,首先針對 div 加上 ng-controller...
Smarty Party Birthday 4 Jul 2013 | 12:25 pm
My daughter turned 7 last month, my son who turned 4 in May had his outdoor party cancelled due to… ahem, rain so we wanted to have a small, fun party at home without the risk of a last-minute cancell...