Most smh shaking my head related news are at:

Brain Candy, Meal Trains and Other Unmentionables 2 Aug 2013 | 07:15 am
My best friend Deirdre has been diagnosed with… I feel like if I say it out loud it might hear me, so I’ll take her lead and call it “Brain Candy.” Or Sara. I called it a loogie in my poem. Anything b...
And Ode to Lady Hedgebrook’s Magic and a “No-Expectations” Life 19 Jul 2013 | 12:17 am
Cedar Cottage If three perfect days of solitude in a one-person cottage, six amazing women discussing numerous topics mostly centered around writing over a home-prepared garden dinner, freshly baked ...
More smh shaking my head related news:
Soldiers who desecrate the dead see themselves as hunters 27 May 2012 | 12:27 pm
Soldiers who desecrate the dead see themselves as hunters: …..Forgive me—me before I address these points, I’ll have to first compose myself after shaking my head and laughing vigorously at the fact ...
Sunshine. 16 May 2012 | 03:52 am
On a sunny day outside, I shake my head in wonder at my own good life. It's impossible not to feel happy with your feet back in sandals, a fine view of the mountains and ocean, sweet-smelling flowers...
US Debt: July 2011–The Debt Deal 15 Jan 2012 | 12:54 pm
As we go through items sent to us by our readers, we are shaking our heads about some of the things we missed during our time away. First, our reader’s comments. And secondly, all the ridicul...
No… surely he didn’t say that, did he? 8 Dec 2011 | 06:19 am
Am still shaking my head… really! Am i? Errrr no. Whats done is done. If you haven’t herd by now then i am guessing you probably don’t have twitter. Yes i am referring to the finals of Top Model Of ...
Lexus 20 May 2012 | 09:40 pm
To be honest, we are not sure if we should shake our head with a smile or applaud the owner of this latest find. What you see here is a latest generation Honda Civic sedan from Thailand with a Toyota ...
Rabbit Mites – Symptoms & Treatment 7 Mar 2010 | 08:26 pm
Is your bunny scratching her ears? Rubbing her fur or shaking her head from side to side? If so, she may have rabbit mites. So, what are rabbit mites? Mites are a very diverse group of arachnids (cl...
Scrabble Meets a Machine Shop in W.E.L.D.E.R. for iOS 27 May 2012 | 09:00 pm
Tweet Looking for a highly addictive word game with a steampunk design sense? If you’re shaking your head at the realization that such a mash-up exists, then you’ve never crossed paths with W.E.L.D.E...
Vegan Cats 12 Mar 2010 | 07:57 pm
I'm sure by the sheer title of this post, most of you are rolling your eyes and slightly, or perhaps vigorously, shaking your head in dismay, disbelief, or sheer dumbfoundedness at my utter weirdness....
Believing in Dreams and Miracles Part 2: My 2nd BDM 102 Km Ultramarathon 11 Mar 2012 | 07:18 pm
“I can’t do it, I just can’t,” shaking my head in defeat, I met Gie and Trixie, good friends and ever efficient support crew for all my three BDM participations, at the kilometer 92 marker. Having run...
Why We Fight 15 Jun 2011 | 05:12 pm
Every now and again I see a particularly egregious chart. Usually, I shake my head in horror and move on. Occasionally however I am moved to redraw it, and blog about it here. My most important redraw...