Most smores train to blogher related news are at:

First Day of Second Grade! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
It's the obligatory first day of school post! Both Sophia and I have been eager for her to return to school. Can you tell? This year she's in second grade--the oldest kids in her lower elementary scho...
Saturday Morning Mini Donuts 26 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
I had grand family plans for this past weekend. Except I just felt tired. We're in the middle of potty training Jaxson and I didn't want to trek 45 minutes to Northern Virginia for VietFest. Maybe nex...
More smores train to blogher related news:
12 Tips for Making the Most of Your BlogHer Experience 30 Jul 2012 | 10:06 pm
In two days, I’ll be getting on a train to go to the biggest women’s blogging conference in the world, BlogHer. More than 4,500 women (and some men) will converge on New York City for a weekend of net...
A BlogHer Plea. 22 Jul 2013 | 06:41 pm
Real talk. Despite my rather flamboyant appearance and how I may seem in small groups of both known and unknown company, I am actually fairly shy. My theatrical training and witty sarcasm usually car...
Something Old, Something New 2 Jul 2013 | 03:37 pm
Back in the fall of 2011 I had the fun of going to my first blogging conference. BlogHer offered a one day writers workshop right in my own backyard. One hour on the train and I was in a NYC hotel bal...
First Thoughts, Post-BlogHer ’13 30 Jul 2013 | 10:40 pm
I am now safely ensconced in my seat on a crowded Amtrak train, somewhat wistfully leaving Chicago following an incredible few days that flew by all too quickly – days of spending quality time with fr...