Most sms game pua related news are at:

VIDEO: Medence + Pezsgőfürdő + FUN + Csajok = Csajozási Tábor 21 Jun 2010 | 12:13 am
Hey! Ebben az évben a legtökéletesebb lehetőséged a fejlődésre a PuaCamp Csajozási Tábor lesz! Együtt laksz olyan PUAkkal, akiknek ugyanaz a céljuk: becsajozni, jól érezni magukat a bőrükben, fejlőd...
PUA Tábor UP-DATE 17 May 2010 | 05:57 am
Most már biztos a hír: az összes magyar TOP PUA ott lesz a táborban júlis 27-től augusztus 1-ig!
More sms game pua related news:
SMS, Games und mehr in der kostenloses community 2 Jul 2013 | 09:52 am
Packende Handygames, angesagte Klingeltöne – jetzt gratis downloaden bei LivingHandy, der kostenlosen Handy-Community. Bei LivingHandy gibt es neben kostenlosen Handyspielen, gratis Klingeltönen au...
Getting Passed Canned Material 11 Dec 2009 | 04:25 am
I think every PUA goes through the exact same phase in the early/mid stages of their career. Everyone starts out the same..... you pick up "The Game" and you think to yourself "holy crap, I can't wa....
Awesome PUA Routine – The 5 Questions Game 27 May 2012 | 09:41 am
Girls LOVE games. And a great way to be playful and flirtatious with a girl is to play a game with her. Here’s a GREAT game that you can play with any girl, any where, and anytime. And it’s pretty m...
Pendaftaran Mitra Distribusi BekasiCell 15 Apr 2012 | 04:48 am
Untuk menjadi bergabung bersama kami menjadi agen pulsa elektrik, token PLN pra-bayar, dan game online atau langsung dijual secara retail .Caranya cukup mudah dengan mengerimkan SMS dari Nomer Handpho...
Cara Deposit 15 Apr 2012 | 04:45 am
Cara melakukan deposit pulsa elektrik, token PLN, dan Game Online di BekasiCell. Sebelum transfer sejumlah uang , anda wajib meminta TIKET DEPOSIT , Via sms dengan format : TIKET.JUMLAH.PIN (kirim ke...
bne satte ke badsahh 28 Sep 2011 | 05:45 am
agar aap satta games jaise disawer gli faridabad ghz. khelte hai to jaane games k 90% sure no. astrology se mo-9540494551 only sms
Naughty Sms 24 Dec 2009 | 08:55 am
CONGRATS.Your phone has been installed CONGRATS.Your phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play,throw your phone against the wall.Then assemble the pieces.... Always start your day with...
funny sms 16 Sep 2009 | 12:24 am
CONGRATULATION ! Ur phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play, throw ur phone against the wall. Then assemble the pieces. ---------------------------------------------------------------... 23 Mar 2012 | 01:03 am
Hamro Social Network, Nepali Community, Friend, Chat, SMS, Page, Blog, Photo, Forum, Poll, Video, Quiz, Event, Music, Market, App, Game, Gift, Radio, Tags: hamro ....
Tata Sky quiz contest for active games pack subscribers 8 May 2012 | 05:03 am
Tata Sky DTH is conducting a quiz contest on the Active Games channel. Subscribers need to send answers through the SMS in the prescribed format. Contest opens at 11 AM everyday. What is the conte...