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Chapecó-SC: Gerente de Contas PL, R$2500,00 + 27 Aug 2013 | 06:16 pm
Gerente de Contas PLLocal de Trabalho: Chapecó – SCAtividades: Desenvolver e administrar rede de distribuidores de canal de revenda; Implementar ações de vendas; Gerenciar condições comerciais; Admini...
Porto Alegre- RS: MARCENEIRO, R$ 1.250,00 27 Aug 2013 | 06:13 pm
MARCENEIROSalário: R$ 1.250,00 + VT + Refeitório no local.Local: Porto Alegre/ RSHorário: 08:00 as12:00 e das 13:00 as 18:00 (com uma hora de intervalo para almoço e 15 minutos a tarde para lanche).H...
More sms script php oi related news:
Membuat Script Remote Shutdown Komputer Via SMS dengan PHP 18 Dec 2010 | 10:34 pm
Bagi Anda yang sering lupa mematikan komputer, kini ada cara praktis untuk mematikan komputer secara jarak jauh hanya dengan menggunakan SMS. Hanya mengirimkan SMS berbunyi SHUTDOWN ke SMS center, mak... 29 Sep 2011 | 11:36 am
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Send an SMS when a web page is loaded 8 Nov 2012 | 02:49 pm
So this morning I was working on a php script that would send an SMS to a predefined number upon page load. The idea being that when an order is placed, rather than checking on the inbox constantly fo...