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Jimi Hendrix Wallpaper 17 May 2010 | 10:41 pm
When we talk about Jimi Hendrix Wallpaper we are talking about images that are typically used as backgrounds for computer desktops that depict Hendrix or his music. Jimi Hendrix was born in Seattle o...
Background - The Computer, and the Players 31 Dec 2006 | 08:50 am
The Computer was an IBM 1800, a normally used process controller for laboratories and such, for control of laboratory equipment. It was then being used as a terminal server, controlling maybe a dozen ...
Wallpapers: Mike Bonnell's Computer Wallpaper - 25 Jul 2012 | 07:13 pm
3D landscapes and images. Computer Wallpaper, Free Backgrounds, Free Computer Wallpaper, Windows Wallpaper, 3D Landscapes Rendered Computer Wallpaper and Backgrounds, Creating Space and. Computer Wall...
The Most Interesting Guy In Early Home Computing 31 Dec 2012 | 10:46 pm
Dancing Demon, by Leo Christopherson In the early days of home computers there were a lot of interesting people writing programs. Many of them did not have backgrounds in computer science. The most i...
L1 Norm based common spatial patterns decomposition for scalp EEG BCI 6 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Background: Brain computer interfaces (BCI) is one of the most popular branches in biomedical engineering. It aims at constructing a communication between the disabled persons and the auxiliary equipm...
Self-Inflicted Dangers of Multiple Method Operators in Dart 25 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
This may seem an odd confession, but I struggle with operator precedence at times. I think this is because I don't have a background in computer science and/or have not played extensively with abstra...
30 Flower Wallpapers To Treat Your Eyes 22 Aug 2013 | 11:32 am
Flower images are among the most widely used backgrounds for computer screens because they are appropriate for all time of the year. Aside from that, flowers which are full of colors are also seen as ...
Self-Inflicted Dangers of Multiple Method Operators in Dart 25 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
This may seem an odd confession, but I struggle with operator precedence at times. I think this is because I don't have a background in computer science and/or have not played extensively with abstra...
100% Office Safe Amusing Animated Backgrounds 8 Nov 2008 | 03:35 am
Desktop backgrounds and wallpapers are one of the easiest customisable options for any computer user, however inept. Most people choose a picture of their favorite celebrity, car or escapist destinati...
How to find the best anti virus program 23 May 2012 | 12:50 pm
The best anti virus protection all comes to your preference. There a anti virus programs that can control your computer on what you do and there anti virus programs that stay in the background and not...