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Why I Love HootSuite (And Why I Want to Work There) 9 Aug 2011 | 03:25 am
I love HootSuite. And if you use social media and don’t already love them too, you WILL. I use HootSuite, along with many of the “geeks” I know, to manage my different social media accounts, but I ma...
A social media professional takes a test spin on Google+ 6 Aug 2011 | 06:24 pm
BY HESSIE JONES, WHATSYOURTECH.CA Your Google+ profile will include “Circles” of friends drawn from other social media accounts I'm so excited. After being on what seemed to be a perpetual waiting l...
Does Your Small Business Need a Facebook and Twitter Social Media Account 4 May 2012 | 04:33 am
It’s 2012 and social media and social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are constantly mentioned on mainstream media, news and entertainment websites, and broadcast programs. Print ads for ev...
A Few Of The Most Popular Social Networking Sites 25 Jul 2011 | 07:32 pm
Social networking sites have changed the way that people market and promote themselves online. If you have a product or service that you want to promote and you don’t have a social media account, then...
9 Ways to Add LinkedIn to Your Company Website 7 Apr 2012 | 06:51 am
Brian Honigman is a social media account manager at LunaMetrics, a Google Analytics certified partner that also specializes in social media, search engine optimization, and PPC. Follow him at @Brian_H...
Get HootSuite Pro for Free for 3 Months 17 May 2012 | 10:22 am
HootSuite is the leading social media management platform that lets you connect your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media accounts to manage them all in one place. You can
Utilizing SEO Keywords to Optimize your Social Media Accounts 23 Dec 2011 | 07:08 pm
HigherVisibility » Online Marketing Tips » Utilizing SEO Keywords to Optimize your Social Media Accounts December 21, 2011 – Written by Amanda DiSilvestro Keywords to Optimize Social Media Although...
Fair Use Online 19 Sep 2010 | 11:49 pm
Fair Use Online There are a number of people and/or businesses with websites, social media accounts, etc. who are wondering how to tell the stories they need to tell without overstepping the boundari...
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website 15 Mar 2010 | 02:24 pm
A great checklist from Six Revisions: 1. Have scalable web server resources 2. Get all of your social media accounts beforehand 3. Have content ready to publish for at least a month 4. Drop hints ...
Can Accountants Measure the ROI of Social Media? 11 Mar 2011 | 06:30 am
Accountants that are using Social Media for business have either recognized and set specific goals that they expect to achieve, or at a minimum have anticipated general benefits that they feel they wi...