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Home 15 Apr 2009 | 12:06 am
Social Media Coaching and Training for your Small Business Social Media offers wonderful opportunities for business owners to level the playing field Are you worried about being left behind? Do you...
Google+ Tips and Tricks — Janet Fouts - Social Media Coach [] 9 Jul 2011 | 03:51 pm
So You Want to Make Money from Social Media? 10 Aug 2012 | 10:51 pm
Did you know that social media is a waste of time? Okay, now that you’ve picked yourself up off the floor from shock that a social media coach just used the words “waste” and “social media” in the...
Social Media Coaching Can Bridge Skills Gap 31 Aug 2012 | 08:30 pm
A recent study by the Chartered institute of Management in the UK polled 1500 businesses worldwide about the use and attitude towards social media. They discovered that while businesses are investing...
John Wooden’s Most Fitting Quote for Social Media 3 Oct 2012 | 11:27 am
Coach John Wooden was a great man and a great coach. From 1964 to 1975, his college basketball teams won 10 national championships with four of those being undefeated seasons. It’s an unprecedented le...
ClickBank Insider Radio Episode 15: Andrea Vahl on Facebook Marketing 10 Apr 2013 | 11:16 pm
We’re back! After going on hiatus for a few months, ClickBank Insider Radio is back in action. Our guest this week is Andrea Vahl, who is a social media coach and strategist, Community Manager for So...
Social Media Coach: Siapa Dia dan Apa Pentingya untuk Bisnis Anda? 4 Jul 2013 | 09:11 am
Apa itu Social Media Coach, dan apakah Anda membutuhkannya? Pertanyaan ini sangat bagus dan perlu untuk kita jawab bersama-sama, karena Anda harus sadar bahwa Social Media bukan lagi sebuah pilihan, t...
Why I Killed My Facebook Page – Confessions of a Social Media Coach 21 Jul 2013 | 05:39 am
What? A social media coach quitting Facebook? Calm down, I’m not giving up Facebook entirely, just my Facebook business page. Here’s why. When I wrote my first book, “Social Media Success!” in 2009 ...
CindyEarl wrote a new post, Finding the Time for Social Media 27 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
As a marketing/social media coach, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “Who has time for all this social media stuff?” My answer is that you make time for the things you give priority. ...
Hire Your Social Media Coach 9 Aug 2013 | 07:58 pm
Social Media has revolutionised business, communication and especially marketing, sales and customer service. If you are not listening to what your customers say about you, how can you give them what ...