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Linux International Announces New Direction 14 Feb 2010 | 08:11 pm
Linux International, a vendor organization since 1994 which has helped to promote the Linux Operating System, announces their new charter of being an end-user organization for Free and Open Source Sof...
Beluga Body Scrub 21 Dec 2011 | 12:00 am
The beluga whale knows the benefits of exfoliation but has to travel way south to the warmer Canadian estuaries to clean it`s skin in their shallow shale waters. The warmer water helps the skin to sof...
A figyelmetlen sofőr 14 Apr 2011 | 08:47 pm
Azt írja a Blikk, hogy a Terrorelhárító Központ vezetője elismerte, hogy a Honvéd utcában az ő Audi A8-suk állt a zebrán. Hajdú János azt is hozzátette, hogy az esetet kivizsgálják, és a figyelmetlen ...
Rochii de seara pentru Craciun si Revelion 21 Dec 2011 | 04:10 am
NIGHT GLOW Evening Collection by Eugenia Enciu Just in time for Xmas Holidays, Eugenia Enciu lanseaza Night Glow evening collection, o colectie care mixeaza rochii feminine si elegante cu piese sof...
Android, iPhone atau BlackBerry? 23 Nov 2009 | 05:34 am
Setelah kemunculan system operasi (OS) seperti symbian, palm, linux,windows mobile dalam smartphone, kini yg paling baru muncul juga OS berbasis Android, yg pada dasarnya mirip linux sebagai open sof...
Why Your Active Record Implementation is Example of a Poor Software Design? 14 May 2012 | 10:06 am
Through Agile Toolkit I’m sharing with the world my improved vision for a better Active Record Implementation. I believe that the widely popular Active Record implementations are examples of a bad sof...
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue 11 Nov 2011 | 05:42 am
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue Unique design horn stand speaker for Apple iPhone 4. Brand New and High quality! Cute and fashion. Made of high quality sof...
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue 11 Nov 2011 | 05:42 am
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue Unique design horn stand speaker for Apple iPhone 4. Brand New and High quality! Cute and fashion. Made of high quality sof...
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue 11 Nov 2011 | 05:42 am
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue Unique design horn stand speaker for Apple iPhone 4. Brand New and High quality! Cute and fashion. Made of high quality sof...
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue 11 Nov 2011 | 05:42 am
Portable Silicone Horn Stand Holder Amplifier Speaker For iPhone 4 - Blue Unique design horn stand speaker for Apple iPhone 4. Brand New and High quality! Cute and fashion. Made of high quality sof...