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Huawei Launches LTE Multi-Mode Mobile Wi-Fi, Facilitating Commercialization of Japan’s eAccess LTE Network 17 Apr 2012 | 06:03 pm
okyo, Japan, March 13, 2012: Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider today announced the launch of a multi-band multi-mode Mobile WiFi (mobile Wi-Fi...
Softbank et Paypal investissent dans le paiement mobile au Japon 11 May 2012 | 10:34 pm
L’opérateur mobile nippon Softbank et le spécialiste du paiement en ligne Paypal ont décidé de s’unir pour mettre en place une joint-venture dédiée au paiement mobile au Japon. Paypal Here débarque a...
Mobile Phone to Improve Pedestrian Safety 18 Aug 2009 | 08:58 am
Worldwide efforts are underway to improve pedestrian safety. In Europe new vehicle design standards have been implemented to protect pedestrians in crashes. In Japan officials are taking an intriguing...
Nintendo Buys Mobiclip 2 Nov 2011 | 10:23 am
FRANCE - Nintendo Co Ltd of Japan acquired Mobiclip SAS, a Paris-based developer of mobile software Continue reading →
JAPAN TEXTURE for iPhone 3G: Gorgeous Hand Made Lacquered Cases for Your Beloved iPhone 4 May 2009 | 09:22 pm
Softbank just sent us a hi-resolution picture of this gorgeous series of hand made lacquered cases. Not much to say here since the pictures speak for themselves, but this series of six iPhones cases a...
MiniPC Japan new Core 2 Duo powered CX45 14 Nov 2009 | 05:16 am
In just 190x230x66mm the new CX45 is MiniPC Japan latest fan-less Lilliputian desktop. Supporting a wide range of CPUs from the Dual Core T3400 to the Core 2 Duo Mobile T5500 up to the T9600 (Socket P...
Wifi services disrupted throughout Japan! 24 Feb 2012 | 07:38 am
I am beyond frustrated!! Last year I joined Softbank to get “pocket wifi” which is mobile wifi (see the picture above). This little thing can support 10 gadgets at one time and it has been amazing….un...
toyota starlet 5 Sep 2011 | 05:23 pm
Toyota Starlet adalah mobil kecil yang diproduksi oleh Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan dari tahun 1973 sampai 1999. Pada awalnya Starlet merupakan versi lebih mahal dari Toyota Publica, dan disebut Pu...
Mobile Phone Sommeliers in Japan 26 Mar 2008 | 07:41 pm
Plans to launch Mobile Phone "Sommeliers" have been unveiled in Japan in an effort to guide customers through the complex maze of technology when choosing a new handset and plan. The effort would crea... 6 Jul 2008 | 05:53 pm
Phone History At this time, communication moved or mobile communication to trend and the lifestyle that increasingly was enjoyed Moreover in many countries like Indonesia , Japan and Finland , ...