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Softlayer.Com Review 25 May 2012 | 01:45 am
What will happen if you merge The Planet and Everyone’s Internet? We’ll tell you what – Softlayer.Com! When the two Houston-based companies merged in May 2006 (and with SoftLayer in November 2010), th...
SecureIT Selected to Assess Security Risks 23 Jun 2011 | 12:00 am
SecureIT Selected to Assess Security Risks and Compliance of CTC and SoftLayer Offerings U.S. Federal agencies are now required to implement a “cloud-first” policy when considering new information te...
32号专业博客主机隆重上线,优惠活动火热进行中 9 Oct 2009 | 02:36 pm
国庆中秋长假已过,很多网友从今天开始都要正式开始上班了。我们今天来给大家介绍一下,国庆期间刚刚上线的第32号专业博客主机。同时,我们的淘宝店即将冲四钻,优惠购买主机活动正在火热进行中,感兴趣的网友请勿错过。 32号博客专业主机使用的是位于美国 SoftLayer 机房西雅图机房。这是我们在该机房购买的第三个主机。SoftLayer 机房西雅图数据中心针对中国访问者进行专门优化,国内访问速度十分迅...
Hosted by Softlayer 14 Apr 2012 | 05:25 am
So here we are, the newest techstar graduates, being hosted by Softlayer in Dallas, TX. And yes they're a hosting company, and no i don't mean we have servers there. Softlayer graciously invited us ...
Why are we using Softlayer Nameservers? 3 Sep 2011 | 08:39 am
I was reviewing the live chat transcripts earlier today. An interesting one that was served by “Ronskit”, a live chat operator of Mellowhost caught my attention. One of our visitor was interested to k...
Some good budget servers! 15 Jul 2011 | 04:56 am
We use Softlayer and Liquidweb for all of our production servers. None of them is really a budget server provider. Softlayer does sell some budget servers which are not at all good for production serv...
Hosting Companies 28 Jan 2012 | 07:09 pm
Rely on your competitors advertising efforts? 16 Jul 2011 | 01:32 am
O.K short disclaimer first, I tweeted Robert about Softlayer advertising on Twitter for Rackspace mentions, and, I am also very interested to talk with and have tried multiple times to get Rackspace a...
BobCares Review | Server Management from BobCares.Com 12 Aug 2010 | 11:04 pm
I recently had a bit of a problem with a server I had been using. The file system crashed and I did not have very good backups of my work. The server was with SoftLayer.Com who I have found to be very...
Сравнение хостинга. 19 Jul 2011 | 10:37 pm
Хостинги которыми я пользовался/пользуюсь 1.бывший – дорого но достаточно стабильно, за несколько лет пользования проблем не возникало, находятся в штатах, отказался за ...