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Softpedia Review of MagicTracer and Testimonials Update 2 Jun 2006 | 01:45 pm
The testimonials section has been updated to include the latest software review of MagicTracer from Nistor Codrut, Software Reviews Editor at Softpedia. Links have also been added to the original sour...
CevherShare on Softpedia 31 Jul 2011 | 02:34 am
Dear CevherShare users, We want to share with you that we’ve received an email today. It’s containing that our plugin has been detected by SoftPedia and added to their database. Excerpt from email:...
Webscripts softpedia - Many web scripts 9 May 2012 | 09:03 pm
You can find many web scripts, in this site. It will helpful for your work.PHP ASP.NET C/C++ Perl Python Ruby Flash JavaScript HTML XML ASP Basic/VB ColdFusion C# CSS Delphi Fortran Java LISP mathCAD ...
Driver Genius Professional 24 May 2012 | 05:22 am
This software cans help you to fix your driver problem. Especially to find your driver. It cans backup and restore drivers too. softpedia review :
Microsoft Explains Windows 8 UI Goals 22 May 2012 | 02:41 pm
Softpedia Wrote:When released in a final flavor later this year, Windows 8 will bring along a new approach to using the PC by introducing a wide range of touch optimizations. Read more
Reading and writing files in Adobe Air 27 May 2011 | 11:01 pm
The biggest fan (and only user) of my Adobe Air Tea Timer is Michael. Michael is a big fan of the Tea Timer, but he’s also the biggest critic, as you can see in the review he left it on Softpedia. Thr...
Deja am emotii... 20 Jun 2007 | 08:14 am
Am primit azi un mail cu informatii peste asteptari ca raspuns la un mail trimis de catre mine in legatura cu softpedia. Autorul mailului, proprietarul unui site concurent softpedia, mi-a dat o dovada...
Cercul se strange 20 Jun 2007 | 06:26 am
Cum le-am promis si voievozilor prin vasali ai lor, am demarat azi o campanie de e-mailuri catre persoanele si firmele interesate si/sau afectate de catre softpedia. La nici 5 minute dupa trimiterea u...
100% adware certified by Softpedia 18 Jun 2007 | 06:52 am
Multumita lui Clocky puteti sa vedeti si ce inseamna software-ul "100% free", Certified by Softpedia. Nu este nici primul, nici ultimul caz. Sunt foarte multe cazuri de software declarat de Softpedia ...
Good news 14 Jun 2007 | 01:22 am
Blogul de fata deja apare pe locul 4 la cautari in google după adware softpedia. Proof here: google. Cred ca se impune si o varianta in engleza a blogului, sa vada si userii straini cu ce se ocupa "...