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Video from the B-Reel London annual party where this year we had... 24 Sep 2011 | 10:31 pm
Video from the B-Reel London annual party where this year we had two new R&D projects for everyone to play with; the 3D projection-mapped game, EELS, and mind-controlled Scalextric.
21 Dangers Of Overdosing On Televison 15 Sep 2009 | 09:41 am
It’ suppresses inner knowing. It’s a weapon of mass distraction. It’s a mind control tool. It can make you sick. It can limit your thinking. It inflates your ego. It’s a negative news machine. It inci...
#fav_me auf der Werkschau 6 Feb 2010 | 12:08 am
Hier ein paar kleine Impressionen von der #Werkschau MIND CONTROL der HS Mannheim. Vielen Dank an alle, die uns besucht und uns betwittert haben – wir hatten sehr viel Spaß!
Bicycle Helmet Laws 26 May 2012 | 03:30 am
Bicycle helmet laws are important. Some people contend they’re a manifestation of big government – the nanny state. Many think the helmet is a secret mind control device, sent to earth to make us zomb...
Mind Controlled Robot By BrainGate 20 May 2012 | 11:00 am
You can imagine how busy people are exposed to paralytic disease or were destined to have no hands. Let alone to normal activities like people in general. To take a drink on the table was very difficu...
ProcessAlive: Automatically Restarts The Crashed Applications and Programs 30 Apr 2012 | 06:23 pm
In order to perform properly on your desktop or laptop, all you require is interminably working applications such as scheduled backup tools, P2P clients, antivirus software, parental control programs....
Amazon Mind Control – A LOOK Inside…. 16 Mar 2012 | 11:20 pm
Hey Guys, This coming Sunday 18th March 2012 @ 11am EST I am launching a new product (WSO) based on what I like to call Amazon Mind Control. This product focuses on what I like to call “Buyer Though...
Make a Mind-Controlled Arduino Robot 7 Mar 2012 | 07:32 am An Arduino(open source hardware) robot controlled by brainwaves has created by ‘Maker’. A DIY book is now available in the ‘M...
iTunes Plus 30 May 2007 | 06:12 pm
Apple has just released an update to iTunes (7.2) via the Software Update control panel. The update allows you to download the new DRM-free music from iTunes, now called iTunes Plus: With iTunes 7.2,...
Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control 15 Mar 2011 | 11:43 am
Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on...