Most sony nex related news are at:

EIZO FlexScan EV2216WFS löst das S2202W Display ab und schont die Augen besser 27 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
EIZO Schweiz lanciert den neuen FlexScan-EcoView Monitor im 22-Zoll grossen 16:10-Format. Das augenschonende und stromsparende TN-Panel mit flimmerfreiem LED-Backlight ersetzt das bisherige Modell S22...
Sony NEX-5T mit NFC und Hybrid-Autofokus 27 Aug 2013 | 10:35 am
Sony erweitert das NEX-Sortiment mit dem Modell 5T, das mit einem 16-Mpix-Sensor und erstmals bei Sony NEX, mit der Near Field Communication Technologie (NFC) ausgestattet ist. Ein weiteres Plus ist d...
More sony nex related news:
Sony NEX-5N 16.1 MP Compact Interchangeable Lens Camera On Sale 22 Nov 2011 | 05:32 am
Buy Sony NEX-5N 16.1 MP Compact Interchangeable Lens Touchscreen Camera with 18-55mm Lens (Black) at a very low price at Here are few facts to know about this Sony NEX-5N 16.1 MP Compact I...
Sony Nex-3 Review with Yannick Khong 1 Sep 2011 | 05:31 pm
Sony Nex-3 Review (continued from MCSS Magazine) Yuxin: For anyone that’s looking to get into photography what kind of cameras would you recommend? Yannick: The most practical camera they can get. Y...
Annular Solar Eclipse in Tokyo 21 May 2012 | 11:31 am
In Japanese this annular solar eclipse is called “金環日食”. But, My friend Brian Chapman was able take a much better photo. Seems he used a Nikon with better lens than the Sony NEX-5 we both have.
Sony NEX-7 24.3 MP Compact Interchangeable Lens Camera Review Price 10 May 2012 | 03:22 pm
Sony NEX-7 24.3 MP Compact Interchangeable Lens Camera More than a pocket camera, the 24.3 megapixel NEX-7 exceeds expectations. Here’s performance that would give most DSLRs camera envy, including i...
World’s Smallest Digital Camera - Sony NEX C3 26 Feb 2012 | 06:11 pm
World’s Smallest Digital Camera - Sony NEX C3: Latest news update for Camera lovers is Sony has officially announced World’s smallest, lightest interchangeable lens digital camera, the NEX-C3. Sony ...
Новая беззеркальная камера Sony NEX-F3 18 May 2012 | 04:19 am
Компания Sony представила сегодня беззеркальную камеру со сменной оптикой, модель NEX-F3. Новинка оснащена 16,1 Мп КМОП-матрица APS-C (23,5×15,6 мм) и процессором обработки изображений BIONZ. Дисплей...
Conurus Metabones Canon EF Lens to Sony NEX Smart Adapter: scopri il nuovo adattore 17 Jan 2012 | 08:47 am
Oggi parliamo del nuovo adattore Conurus Metabones Canon EF Lens to Sony NEX Smart Adapter, che consente quasi magicamente la comunicazione tra lente e corpo macchina... Continua a leggere Conurus Me...
Kleine Kamera ganz groß 13 Mar 2011 | 11:00 am
Die Geschenkidee für den ambitionierten Fotografen, der auch gerne leicht unterwegs ist. Und dazu noch unheimlich günstig. Die Kamera heißt Sony Nex-3, ist nur etwas größer als eine Kompaktkamera und ...
Sony NEX-F3, comes the new bully small but compact without mirror 17 May 2012 | 08:10 pm
Without pause, without haste, Sony continues to strengthen its range of NEX as a clear reference in the youth sector without a mirror compact . Your new camera input for this category is the Sony NEX-...
Sony NEX-F3 Hands-On: The Best Affordable Pro Compact Camera Gets a Boost 19 May 2012 | 03:27 am
Last year’s Sony NEX-C3 is the best camera you can buy for $600. It delivers professional image quality and the flexibility of interchangeable lenses in a compact package. Here comes its successor, th...