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Sandisk MobileMate Memory Stick Plus – Card reader (MS, MS PRO, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo, MS Micro) – Hi-Speed ??USB 14 May 2011 | 09:26 am
No ratings available. Product Features: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified for fast data transfer No additional card adapters needed USB travel cable included Extra cap and key ring included Easy to ...
Ectaco jetBook Lite Skin (High Gloss Finish) – Drama 13 May 2011 | 11:28 pm
No ratings available. Product Features: No Product Features Available Product Description DecalGirl skin kits for the Ectaco jetBook Lite cover the front and back of the device, offering protec...
More sony reader review related news:
New Sony Readers are here, geared, get used to it 2 Sep 2010 | 01:51 am
A look at the new Sony Reader line-up There are typically two lines of thought when it comes to selling your product to the masses. The first is to make it more affordable than your competitors while...
kindle 5 May 2012 | 10:09 pm
These days there are so many different ebook readers available and it can be really hard to decide which brand name and model to pick. See this site for a range of comprehensive ebook reader reviews ...
Kindle public library ebooks in Canada 4 Feb 2012 | 07:54 am
While I love my Amazon Kindle, one thing that’s always bugged me about it is that you can’t borrow library ebooks on it, as you can with other ereaders like the Kobo and Sony Reader. So I was excited ...
Top 10 E-Readers Reviewed – The Best and Worst E-Readers 24 Nov 2011 | 09:17 am
E-ink or LCD? USB or USB and Wi-Fi? Kindle or Nook or some other brand name with which you are unfamiliar? Choosing the right e-Reader from the many available types is like trying to pick from among a...
All about electronic book readers 1 Jul 2011 | 07:53 pm
{loadposition user7} I’m glad to invite people who want to find the best e-Reader or electronic book to this website. There are a lot of e-Reader reviews and other useful information about e-Book rea...
Create reflowable content for the Sony Reader with deskUNPDF 9 May 2007 | 06:32 am
The deskUNPDF LRF Renderer Technology Preview allows Sony Reader users on Windows or Mac OS X to create reflowable eBook content printer output or existing PDFs. This is a major breakthrough because t...
Docudesk PRS Browser for OS X 27 Apr 2007 | 03:28 am
The Docudesk PRS Browser allows Macintosh users to easily manage content on the Sony Reader using a native OS X interface. Both internal and card memory locations are supported, and all natively-supp...
مقارنات (2): مقارنة سريعة بين SONY 350 وKindle 3 وKobo Touch وNOOK Touch 1 Jul 2011 | 06:56 pm
هذه مقارنة حديثة بعد صدور جهازي Kobo Touch و Nook Touch الجديدين، أصدرها موقع Kobo نفسه. المقارنة دارت حول الأجهزة التالية: SONY Reader PRS-350 Kindle 3 WiFi Kobo eReader Touch NOOK Touch عن موق...
Reader Review: Gluten Free Fruity Pebbles 1 Aug 2011 | 01:35 pm
Today I finally found gluten free Fruity Pebbles I had heard so much about. They were even the same price as regular cereal which was nice to see. Thought they were amazing and if anything they seemed...
LG Display Develops Solar Power for E-Readers 14 Oct 2009 | 05:40 pm
NewsFactor - In a move toward eco-friendliness, LG Display unveiled a new e-book reader technology on Sunday that is powered by the sun. Sony has installed the solar cell in its Sony Reader as a proof...