Most sortable related news are at:

サイトつくりました「5文字以内の地図検索」 11 Sep 2011 | 12:20 am
先週の話ではありますが、新しくサイトを作って公開しました。 5文字の地図検索 名前通り5文字縛りの地図検索ができるのみの簡単なサイトです。 元々は、仕事でジオコーディングなどを扱っている時、試しに入れてみた「テスト」「hoge」などの適当な単語で座標がとれてしまって、それが気になったスタート。これは他にもいろいろあるだろう、と思って遊んでるうちにこんな風になりました。 割と普通の単語で座標...
初歩から始めるTwitterマーケティング 10 Apr 2011 | 04:12 am
大げさなタイトルですけどね。商売でツイッターを使うならこんな感じかな、というのを以前纏めたのが出てきたので掲載しちゃいます。 最初に押さえるべき事 短時間に多数の発言は避ける(1時間に一発言程度が目安) タイムライン(ログイン後の表示画面)にはいろいろな人の発言が並びます。 連続して多数の発言を行った際には、その発言でタイムラインが埋められてしまいます。 タイムラインが1人の発言で占めら...
More sortable related news:
Animated Sortable Data Table jQuery plugin - jTPS 30 Aug 2008 | 08:00 am
Powerful datatable with animated pagination and natural sorting.
jQueryUI Sortable-tr width reduces when used with table 29 Feb 2012 | 02:26 am
I am working on a project where I need to make a list of items sortable. Naturally, I used jQueryUI’s sortable component. Now it works great for elements like ul, or ol or any other html structure. I...
Fixing categories ordering in Wp Ecommerce 3.8.4 7 Jun 2011 | 03:03 pm
We have updated one of our customers Wp-Ecommerce plugin. We found that the products categories where sortable using drag and drop. The fact is that feature does not save the order you set using it. T...
Jellylike – Premium WordPress Theme 24 Mar 2012 | 06:37 pm
Tweet Jellylike is a powerful minimalistic business/corporate/portfolio & blog premium WordPress theme jam-packed with features. Jellylike comes with 5 color styles, 8 custom widgets, sortable portf...
Phomedia WordPress E-Commerce Theme 1 Nov 2011 | 05:51 am
Clean Style wordpress e-commerce theme, with wp-e-commerce plugin, ajax contact form, animated sortable gallery and much much more. Will be good for photographers who want to sell their images, but ca...
Making Our Report Sortable and Paged - Drupal 7 Multi-Step Form (FAPI) 9 Dec 2010 | 02:46 pm
In this post we are going to replace the stub code detailed in the my previous (Drupal 7 Multi-Step Form (FAPI) with Table Report). We are going to store our data in a new database table. We'll update...
Modify and Delete Record Operations - Drupal 7 Multi-Step Form (FAPI) 22 Feb 2011 | 05:45 am
This post is part of a series. We discuss how to build a custom module using Drupal 7's API. In our previous posts "Drupal 7 Multi-Step Form (FAPI) with Table Report" and "Making Our Report Sortable...
Edit Flow v0.7: Modular architecture, monthly calendar, and sortable statuses 10 Jan 2012 | 11:50 am
Months in the making, Edit Flow v0.7 is now out the door and available for download. We’d love to give you a quick introduction to what’s new. Modular architecture The biggest change in Edit Flow v0...
Consider the tuple... 12 Dec 2010 | 06:38 pm
I remember learning Python and wondering what a tuple was for. Why wouldn't you just use a list? Or a dict? What I've come down to is a few thoughts such as: 1) if I want sortable items, use a list. ...
Sortable Literature List working again 11 Apr 2012 | 12:14 pm
The sortable literature list was down for a few months, it is now working again. Also, my web hosting company had a technical failure on the server that hosted this blog, so Satori Smiles was down or...