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Healthy Soup Recipes 2 May 2012 | 12:18 am
We all know that soup is comfort food, but did you know that soup can also help you lose weight? Include healthy soup recipes in your diet if you want to shed unwanted pounds. During the cold winter ...
Chicekn Soup 11 Feb 2012 | 08:56 am
Whether you are a health freak or just maintaining a healthy diet, Chicken Soup is simply a great choice for you. Even if you are not dieting, this soup can be a delicious meal anytime. This soup is n...
My Interview with a Famous Tomato Soup Can 18 Sep 2008 | 06:07 pm
Interview with a Soup Can by G.H. Humes © 2008 Warhol's Campbells Tomato Soup Can The following is a rare exclusive interview with Andy Warhol’s famous can of Campbell’s Condensed Tomato Soup [...
Jewish Personalities painted by Andy Warhol 21 Jul 2011 | 06:57 am
Andy Warhol is argued to be the most prolific artist of the second half of the 20th century. He is known for his famous, vibrant colour paintings of Marilyn Manroe and Campbell’s Soup cans. However, i...
Beef & Dumpling Stew with a Spanish Proprietary Blend 19 Apr 2012 | 05:12 am
Soup can be a tricky dish to pair with. The main reason being texture; both are liquids. When it comes down to it most soups will pair beautifully with wine, but I like to make a soup with some added ...
Thinking Outside the Soup Can 20 Dec 2011 | 06:44 pm
Why a box? Wouldn’t a pyramid or a sphere Even a cinnamon oatmeal cylinder Be perfectly content to take its place? For shapes can’t complain People can but usually don’t When faced at needlepoint By a...
Shortcut Butternut Squash Soup 2 Nov 2011 | 09:54 am
It’s over. It’s actually over. October come back I miss you! I don’t want to take down all my Halloween decorations yet. Sigh… Well at least I have yummy soup. Shortcut Butternut Squash Soup Can’t f...
Supreme x Vans Authentic – Checkered Corduroy Pack 5 Jun 2012 | 02:30 pm
The most recent Supreme x Vans hook-up centered on an original piece of artwork by Andy Warhol – the Campbell’s Soup Can to be exact. This upcoming Supreme x Vans partnership, on the other hand, focus...
Soup Can Be A Healthy Food Choices For Your Body 30 Jul 2012 | 11:10 am
Treatment by consuming a particular food or beverage in the world of medication further referred to as nutriceuticals. One of the famous professionals who can gather numerous plant materials and food ...
Campbell’s Releases Andy Warhol-Inspired Cans 30 Aug 2012 | 11:02 pm
For twenty years, Andy Warhol had Campbell’s Soup for lunch every day—which inspired him to create his 1962 painting collection of 32 Campbell’s Soup cans. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Warhol’...