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Where the Wild Things Are 1 Nov 2009 | 03:41 am
A wild thing with James Gandolfini's voice and Max Records in Where the Wild Things Are (dir. Spike Jonze, 2009). J. Hoberman, in his Village Voice review, refers to Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Thin...
"I took my lucky break and I broke it in two..." WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE 22 Oct 2009 | 11:38 am
Where The Wild Things Are-2009-Spike Jonze ................................. Without pandering to any sort of audience, Maurice Sendak wrote a beautifully transcendent children's book about imaginat...
I'm Here 11 Dec 2011 | 05:17 pm
I'm Here (Estoy aquí) Dirigida por Spike Jonze (2010) Mediometraje 30 min. Parte 1: Parte 2: Parte 3: http://ww...
Donde viven los monstruos (Where the Wild Things Are) 15 Sep 2009 | 03:43 am
‘Donde Viven Los Monstruos’, adaptación del libro de Maurice Sendak. Director: Spike Jonze Intérpretes: Catherine Keener, Max Records, Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper, James Gandolfini, Cat...
La película interactiva de Google Chrome y Arcade Fire 1 Sep 2010 | 12:00 pm
Spike Jonze abrió la veda hace ya unos meses con la producción audiovisual interactiva ImHere donde tú y tus amigos de Facebook aparecían sentados en la misma sala de cine para disfrutar de una de una...
I’m Here (2010) TR-ALTYAZI 28 May 2012 | 01:36 am
Yönetmen: Spike Jonze Ülke: ABD Tür: Kısa Metraj | Dram Rating: 7.9 (2,741 Oy) Vizyon Tarihi: 21 Ocak 2010 (ABD) Süre: 29 dakika Dil: İngilizce Senaryo: Spike Jonze Müzik: Sam Spiegel...
Gdzie mieszkają dzikie stwory / Where the Wild Things Are (2009) LEKTOR PL 3 Jun 2010 | 09:15 pm
Na ekrany kin wchodzi ekranizacja klasycznej już książki Maurice’a Sendaka Where the Wild Things Are — opowieść dla wszystkich. Reżyser Spike Jonze opowiada przygody Maksa, małego psotnika, którego ma...
I recently was shown this excellent video by Daft Punk, directed... 21 Jun 2011 | 12:58 pm
I recently was shown this excellent video by Daft Punk, directed by Spike Jonze. It incorporates some of my favorite things: Boomboxes and dogs. The story just wouldn’t be the same if he was listenin...
The Best Cinematic Shots of 2009. #3: “Where the Wild Things Are” 25 Dec 2009 | 03:32 pm
Capturing the shots that made me gasp at the movies in 2009. #3: Spike Jonze’s “Where The Wild Things Are”. Two shots this time: First, if you check out the three shots I picked so far you’d notice ...
NET NUGGETS 10/29/08 30 Oct 2008 | 09:40 am
UMERIC reloaded. The Sydney based motion design studio relaunched their website. A visual feast from down under. Explosive slow motion skateboarding directed by Spike Jonze. Epic. Revealed: The true...