Most spoiler plugin wp related news are at:

워드프레스 접속 암호화 (SSL) 19 Jun 2013 | 10:47 am
최근 워드프레스로 사이트를 제작시 자주 언급되는게 로그인/회원가입/관리자 화면에서 보안접속(HTTPS)이 되는지에 대한 문의 입니다. 사실 '보안접속' 이라는 단어 보다는 '암호화'되는지에 대한 문의라고 하는게 더 맞겠네요. '워드프레스가 아이디나 비번, 혹은 컨텐츠를 암호화 해 주나요?' 라고 말이죠. '워드프레스가 암호화 한다기 보다는, 보안접속(...
Comment BW (구 Akismet BW) 플러그인 0.3 업데이트 13 Jun 2013 | 08:33 am
별다른 변화는 없고, BuddyPress Activity쪽에도 Blacklist/Whitelist 가 적용되도록 하였습니다 플러그인에 대한 자세한 사항은 Comment BW 태그 목록을 참고 하세요~ 덧) 글 하나 쓰러 블로그 어드민 들어왔다가, 스팸 처리하느라 낑낑거렸네요 헐…. KB)
More spoiler plugin wp related news:
WP-CMS Post Control plugin v2.2 released 13 Jun 2010 | 10:25 am
I have just released version 2.2 of my WordPress plugin WP-CMS Post Control. You should be getting the notification next time you login to your WordPress site and I have double checked the online upda...
WP-CMS Post Control plugin v2.1.2 released 13 Apr 2010 | 12:06 am
I released version 2 of my WordPress plugin WP-CMS Post Control in March 2010, which was a complete re-write of the original functionality to bring it upto WordPress 2.9 compatibility. You should note...
ทดสอบ ปลั๊กอิน wordpress to twitter 31 Mar 2012 | 11:29 am
ทดสอบครั้งที่สอง ทดสอบ plugin wp-to-twitter
Plugin wp-thumbie para WordPress modificado y mejorado (actualizado 2011) 24 Mar 2010 | 08:03 pm
Buscando en internet algunos plugin para Wordpres respecto a articulos relacionados o mostrar articulos relacionados a una determinada noticia, decidi bajar este archivito y probarlo y ver si funciona...
WP Robot Plugin 8 Oct 2011 | 10:20 pm
WP Robot is a powerful and easy to use autoblogging plugin for WordPress weblogs allowing you to turn your blog on complete auto-pilot and drip-feed it with fresh content in regular intervals you spec...
WP Auto Social Test 18 May 2012 | 10:13 pm
Don’t mind me… just testing that the WP-Auto Social plugin is working correctly on this blog. That is the actual link to it just in case anyone els...
Plugin WP System Health is now translatable and polished 2 Sep 2010 | 10:59 am
I did the last changes for this plugin several month ago. Because currently I run into an extra ordinary amount of support forced by the extreme memory consumption of WordPress Version 3.0 and above, ...
Tabular Data Plugin 1 Jun 2011 | 01:23 am
For an article here, where I want to compare free & paid providers of WordPress backups; I wanted to create a large manageable table … Enter:
Seeking Beta Testers 3 Sep 2011 | 08:10 am
I'm getting close to the release of my new WordPress plugin: WP AutoPilot - an autoblogging plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows WordPress users to easily auto-update their blogs. More info at WPA...
【WordPress-Twitter】今さらながらTwitter連携、投稿記事を反映 10 Mar 2012 | 04:48 pm
Twitterは基本放置状態・・・(@hc_hiro) 一応、Wordpressの内容もTwitterと連携させておこうと思いまして設定しました。 テストを兼ねての投稿です。 今回追加したプラグインはこれ。 【WP to Twitter】 ツイッターのデベロッパーページでアプリケーショ...