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Second Cancer Risk In BRCA Carriers Cut Down By Tamoxifen 26 Aug 2013 | 12:20 pm

Tamoxifen administration is associated with a sharply reduced risk of a second breast cancer among women who carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 “breast cancer genes,” according to a new research. “In light of ...

Should You Order Your Glasses On the Internet? 20 Aug 2013 | 08:27 am

Did you know that the first documented form of corrective glasses were simply large slabs of glass that were essentially magnifying glasses? Glass blowers in Italy have been given credit as the first ...

More sports health awareness related news:

Lack of Health Awareness Creates Problems to Patients and Doctors 20 Nov 2009 | 07:17 pm

Though minor ailments like injuries, cuts, headaches, allergies, etc., can be treated at home itself, many people frequently visit hospitals to treat them. People should know which type of healthcare ...

Reading Health Tips and Earn Up to Rs. 7500 Per Month 27 Jan 2011 | 11:20 pm

Hello everyone, I have found an exciting thing - Paying you cash for reading health tips by an global health website Clinnovo, which also offers free online doctor and promoting health awareness in a...

How to Write a Bestselling Self-Help Book 6 Jan 2012 | 06:03 pm

• Facebook • Twitter • Delicious • Digg • StumbleUpon • Add to favorites • Email • RSS The "must have" book by the acknowledged expert for self-help/how-to business, recovery, sports, health, self-im...

February Is National Heart Health Month 25 Apr 2012 | 06:31 am

February is the month chosen to emphasize heart health awareness on a national scale. During this month various national, state and local organizations aggressively distribute information about heart ...

Health Awareness By Dr Onuorah Umeh 3 Feb 2009 | 05:09 am

Funtimes: How expensive is good health? Dr. Umeh : Well, it’s always good to be healthy and people don’t have to wait until they get older, or have problems before they wake up, and learn how to take ...

Aetrex for Foot Health Awareness 27 Apr 2012 | 06:00 am

Aetrex Shoes April is National Foot Health Awareness Month.  Aetrex makes extremely comfy shoes for both men and women. Ladies and gents, with April being National Foot Health Awareness Month and a....

Absolutely Comprehensive E-Cigarette Evaluation and Comparison 1 Nov 2011 | 10:33 pm

Men and women have become quite overall health aware at present. Persons need to keep fit and healthy. Hence, it’s normal that a lot of individuals would be eager to discover more healthy alternatives...

Health Awareness with CIGNA Health Awareness Tour 27 Feb 2011 | 02:33 am

The CIGNA health Awareness Tour Mobile Learning Lab is a lab on 18 wheels which is used to raise the understanding of health among common people. CIGNA is an international medical insurance provider ...

Parenting Two Children with Neurological Challenges 17 May 2012 | 02:53 pm

For mental health awareness week...... I have two children with neurological challenges and subsequent behavioral issues.  I am parenting them the best I can with... [[ This is a content summary onl...

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