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Secure your PC with free AntiVirus, free AntiMalware and a free AntiSpyware 24 Mar 2011 | 11:07 pm
Every computer that is connected to the internet is susceptible to virus, malwares and spywares. And if you want to keep your system clean you need...
Spyware finden und entfernen 6 Apr 2010 | 10:52 am
Windows-Computer waren schon immer ein beliebtes Angriffsziel von Hackern und sonstigen Bösewichten, die versuchen, Vorteile aus der Unbedarftheit der Nutzer zu ziehen. Während frühere Versionen des B...
ZoneAlarm for Vista Freeware Reviews 30 Dec 2008 | 10:18 pm
ZoneAlarm for Vista Freeware Review With comprehensive multi-layer protection, including best-of-breed antivirus, anti-spyware, and the renowned ZoneAlarm firewall, ZoneAlarm Internet Se...
Tips voor beveiliging 27 Jun 2009 | 12:17 am
Vandaag gaan we dieper in op het beveiligen van een computer tegen indringers. We hebben al een aanzet gegeven in andere handleidingen (over het verwijderen van spyware, gratis alternatieven voor beve...
Security Shield 7 Feb 2012 | 09:25 pm
Security Shield is a rogue anti-spyware program from the same family as System Tool and Security Tool. Once installed, it will supposedly scan your computer for spyware, adware, trojans and other malw...
Internet Defender 7 Feb 2012 | 10:56 pm
Internet Defender is a rogue anti-spyware program that uses fake scan results and false security alerts as a method to make you think you are infected with malware. It's from the same family as Securi...
AdwareAlert 7 Feb 2012 | 11:01 pm
AdwareAlert is a corrupt anti-spyware application that tries to use the mistyped title of the legitimate Ad Aware anti-spyware tool in order to scam its users into paying the creators another $50. It ...
スパイウェア 3 Dec 2008 | 11:08 am
スパイウェア (Spyware) とは、ユーザーに関する情報を収集し、それを情報収集者である特定の企業・団体・個人等に自動的に送信するソフトウェアを指す。狭義には、キーボード・マウスからの入力やウェブブラウザの閲覧履歴などユーザーの振る舞いに関する情報を外部に送信するソフトウェアを指すが、一般的には以下に示すものをスパイウェアとしている。 * キーロガー等に代表される、ユーザーの操作を監視するもの...
Save Your Smartphones from Spyware and Malware Invasion 31 Dec 2011 | 07:27 am
Viruses aren’t restricted to your home computers. If you download infected software, you may end up with spyware or malware on your smartphone, the same way you may discover it on your laptop or PC. V...
Need your PC fixed right now? Look no further! 18 Feb 2012 | 02:49 am
Is your PC not running the way you’d like it? Then you may be suffering from the following: Virus, Spyware, and/or Malware Infection Missing Updates Missing Drivers Network Errors Registry Errors...