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HuffPo Post #3: Getting Word Out 4 May 2012 | 04:25 am
This is so much bigger than I could have ever dreamed. The Huffington Post asked me to write an article about our mission to prove the Men in Black Suits are real. Read it here.
RT @jmoriarty: Know great #Phx area non-profits? Trying to get word out about local $25,000 grant.... 9 Apr 2010 | 08:53 am
RT @jmoriarty: Know great #Phx area non-profits? Trying to get word out about local $25,000 grant. Please RT & share!
how do you sleep? and in sleep, dream? 14 Sep 2009 | 12:56 pm
i'm getting word-obsessive again. i finally busted out some of the 10-ish books i brought to hold me over for my first 7 months here this past week. there's nothing like reading to inspire me, open m...
EXCITING NEWS 24 Jun 2011 | 03:50 pm
I was recently given the opportunity to do makeup for a photoshoot. I had an amazing time worked with some amazing people! As soon as I get word I will share the finale pictures but for now enjoy what...
Didn’t get an iPad 2 yet? Some tips for would-be buyers 15 Mar 2011 | 05:48 am
I don’t know how long the lines were at your local Apple Store yesterday, but TUAW is getting word that a lot of locations sold out of the most popular models very quickly. Taking a look at the online...
Impostor Syndrome and the “You’re Not Special” Speech: Something you Might Have Missed 20 Jun 2012 | 11:02 pm
My apologies for having been off the grid for so long. When you’re not a trained or focused writer like me, the process of getting words on the screen is a very frenetic one. I can go weeks without a ...
Don’t expect to try out OS X Mountain Lion at some Apple retail stores on launch day 25 Jul 2012 | 06:36 pm
We’re getting word that Apple has had some last-minute issues with the equipment needed to image OS X Mountain Lion on Mac demo computers inside some of its retail stores. This will delay the ability ...
Free infographics, data visualization class by design guru Alberto Cairo 6 Oct 2012 | 03:13 am
Just as I was looking for a fun online course to keep my brain humming, I get word that Alberto Cairo at the University of Miami will be leading a free online course on infographic design and data vis...
Deadly Crossing in 3 DAYS on Redbox 11 May 2013 | 09:46 pm
Dear Fans Don’t forget Deadly Crossing in 3 DAYS on Redbox. We’re getting word that there’s a big demand, so pick it up early or you might miss out on a chance to see it the day of release. http://b...
Check Out These Ideas For A Better Understanding Of Internet Marketing 16 May 2013 | 06:25 am
Web marketing is a great, modern way to get word about your products out to the public. It may seem like a snap at first, but you need to learn the basics before you can make money. The following arti...