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iPhone and Home: SquareTrade Study 16 Oct 2012 | 10:27 pm
It’s a big scary world out there for iPhones. There’s danger waiting around every corner. So what’s the most dangerous place for them? Not at the supermarket or the sidewalk…it’s your home! That’s ri...
iPhone and Home: SquareTrade Study 16 Oct 2012 | 10:27 pm
A new SquareTrade study finds that 51% of iPhone accidents occur in the home, and 21% of those happen in the kitchen. SquareTrade also delves into the most popular kinds of liquid damage, and specific...
More square trade warranty related news:
LCD TV Repair 22 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
Anyone know of a place to get an LCD TV repaired? I would prefer someone come to the house as it is 60" TV. I have a square trade warranty, but that requires shipping back to the US. I'm not so sure ...
Kindle Fire Protection Plan by SquareTrade 19 Jan 2012 | 10:14 pm
Is your Kindle Fire too precious to you? Of course it is! Then consider getting this incredible 2-year warranty plus kindle fire protection plan by square trade for it! Kindle Fire Protection Plan an...
Daftar Laptop Yang Paling Awet 12 Mar 2011 | 03:57 pm
Pernah berpikir Laptop apa yang paling awet? Pusing mengapa Laptop yang dibeli cepat rusak atau sangat awet. Mungkin Anda perlu menyimak hasil penelitian ini yang dilakukan oleh Square Trade jadi Anda...
Qingdao Serviced apartment recommended 4 Jul 2010 | 04:29 pm
Asana executive apartmen CHECK NOW The hotel is located in downtown of Qingdao, with the walking distance to the May 5 square, world trade Center and city Government. You can enjoy the sea view a...
picanto, rio, sportrage Invite bb 304E3707 Trade In 17 May 2012 | 10:19 pm
All New Picanto berubah mesin Kappa terbaru berkapasitas 1200 cc Dual CVVT, dan WARRANTY 5 TAHUN……TOTAL DP 20 JT DAN ANGSURAN 2 JTan.Dapatkan Promo-promo sangat menarik yang anda bisa dapatkan,,jika a...
Alumi-Guard Fence 9 Nov 2010 | 06:03 am
Powder Coated Lifetime Warranty Available in 6 Standard Colors Alumi-Guard Aluminum Fence Alumi-Guard Aluminum Fence has a state of the art manufacturing facility in Florida of over 200,000 square...
NYC in Bloom 5 Feb 2011 | 04:49 pm
Image ID# 019-003_Downtown-in-Bloom.jpg – Fifth Avenue looking south toward Washington Square with the World Trade Towers beyond. An early summer day with abundant blossoms and buildings. I love the b...
Terms & Conditions 16 Sep 2010 | 07:38 am
Terms and Conditions 1. Introduction 2. Information on the Website 3. Trade Marks 4. External Links 5. Public forums and User Submissions 6. Specific Use 7. Warranties 8. Disclaimer of Liabili...
Motorola Flipout Unlocked GSM Quad-Band Android Phone with Bluetooth, Camera, QWERTY Keyboard and Wi-Fi – Unlocked Phone – US Warranty – Black 4 May 2012 | 11:02 pm
Packed with the power of the Android 2.1 platform and the latest version of MOTOBLUR-Motorola’s exclusive smartphone experience-the highly pocketable Motorola FLIPOUT features a stylishly square, inno...
World Trade Center & Grand Central & Rockfeller Center & Times Square 15 Jun 2011 | 06:06 am
Saímos do hotel um pouco mais tarde hoje (20-05) porque, ao invés de ir embora na data programada, resolvemos adiar um pouquinho. Essa cidade é muito boa para dar vontade de ir embora! Aí fizemos a re...