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[remote] - HP VSA Remote Command Execution Exploit 19 May 2012 | 06:07 pm
HP VSA Remote Command Execution Exploit Posted on Fri, 18 May 2012 07:12:50 +0000 at
How to Monitor Services on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Using Monit 28 Oct 2010 | 12:00 am
Even though my Ubuntu Lucid Lynx media server runs pretty solidly, I like to monitor it periodically using SSH and command line tools. Some of my favorites are w, htop, ps, bwm-ng, and nmap. After reb...
Cisco Remote Command Execution 8 Feb 2011 | 10:00 am
Chi lavora ogni giorno con apparati Cisco e con la IOS ne apprezza ogni caratteristica. Al primo impatto trovarsi di fronte ad una console testuale per la configurazione può risultare scoraggiante ma ...
SocketTools 6.0 Released 9 Sep 2008 | 10:21 am
SocketTools 6.0 has been released and includes several new components, including a new SSH component for secure interactive terminal sessions and remote command execution, integrated support for secur...
ssh useful command 4 Dec 2009 | 09:56 pm
Common SSH Commands or Linux Shell Commands, ls : list files/directories in a directory, comparable to dir in windows/dos. ls -al : shows all files (including ones that start with a period), directori...
Use Your PC Comand Line Processor From iPhone With iTerminal App 1 Feb 2012 | 01:50 pm
Vlad Polyanskiy today introduces iTerminal 1.0 for iOS, his ultimate remote command line utility. Now your command line will be with you anywhere you are. Offering superb convenience and simplicity, i...
savant2_plugin...t-db-api/txt-db-api.php//txt-db-api/txt-db-api.php abc + abc savant2_plugin...t-db-api/txt-db-api.php//txt-db-api/txt-db-api.php - ab... 2 Aug 2012 | 08:35 am
Results 1 - 5 for savant2_plugin...t-db-api/txt-db-api.php//txt-db-api/txt-db-api.php abc WEB-PHP - SonicWALL Security Center Moodle texed.php Remote Command Execution · Mantis manage_proj_page. php ...
How to generate an SSH key pair 10 May 2013 | 11:48 pm
Under MacOS X You can generate a key in Mac OS using the ssh-keygen command. You should run it in Terminal. You will be asked for a file in which the key should be saved to and for a passphrase (passw...
Prefix Streaming stdout & stderr in Go 12 Jul 2013 | 03:55 pm
If you are executing a lot of (remote) commands, you may want to indent all of their output, prefix the loglines with hostnames, or mark anything that was thrown to stderr red, so you can spot errors ...
Struts2任意命令执行0day 修复方案 18 Jul 2013 | 11:01 am
Struts2框架存在任意命令执行漏洞,可直接执行任意系统命令 详见官方公告: Who should read this All Struts 2 developers and users Impact of vulnerability Remote command execut...