Most st kilda rock chronicle related news are at:
– The Chronicles of Ms I-Hua
I have moved!!! Follow me!!! ( 10 Jan 2011 | 01:28 am
To all my dear readers, new and old... Thank you for following me for the past 3 years. As part of my new year resolutions for 2011, I have finally cleaned up, reorganised and moved this blog to a bri...
Bubur Pulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Porridge) Dessert Recipe 6 Jan 2011 | 02:15 pm
Bubur Pulut Hitam... (an ode) Bubur Pulut Hitam How I love thee Thy silken smooth Texture of gleaming black Bubur Pulut Hitam How I love thee Thy so rich and Generous with flavours I adore Okay... ...
More st kilda rock chronicle related news:
You Know It’s Been A Rocking Gig When…… 8 Aug 2013 | 07:28 am
After The Angels played a rock solid gig last Saturday at The Gerswhin Room in down town St Kilda’s Esplanade Hotel a fan was overheard to say… “You know it’s been a rocking gig when you’re covered in...