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LifeSpan TR800-DT Treadmill Desk Review 28 Sep 2012 | 10:12 pm
The console of the TR800 DT gives feedback on distance traveled, calories burned and step count. Additionally, the Intelli-Step system counts user’s steps while walking. More details in our review..
LifeSpan TR800-DT Treadmill Desk 28 Sep 2012 | 10:12 pm
The console of the TR800 DT gives feedback on distance traveled, calories burned and step count. Additionally, the Intelli-Step system counts user’s steps while walking. More details in our review.. C...
Making the little changes (and quick reviews of Food, Inc. and Nighty Night Tea) 13 Nov 2009 | 07:02 pm
Women’s Health features an article this month which shows how lifestyle activity has drastically changed over the years. It’s the little things that add up: standing at your desk, for example, burns a...
Which Exercise Burns More Calories – Chart 18 Jan 2011 | 01:52 am
Type Of Exercise Calories Per Hour Sleeping 55 Eating 85 Sewing 85 Knitting 85 Sitting 85 Standing 100 Driving 110 Office Work 140 Housework, moderate 160+ Golf, with trolley 180 ...