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– Rachel's Musings | Sharing ideas and provocations on living happily ever after in relationships we design. Reflecting on the social psychology of stereotypes and other cultural phenomena.
Banality and Evil 23 Aug 2013 | 09:07 pm
Maybe what makes Hannah Arendt‘s writing about Adolf Eichmann so disturbing that she received death threats is not (only) her observation about evil-doers but also its implication on our ordinary live...
Dance and Extroversion 22 Aug 2013 | 10:39 pm
I just returned from a six week trip to Greece, spending most of my time attending fulfilling folk dance workshops. Aside from having a lot of fun learning dances and being exposed to various regions ...
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Dr. Philip Zimbardo的監獄模擬實驗 The Prison Experiment 6 Feb 2013 | 09:30 pm
囚犯和獄警 1971年,社會心理學家Philip Zimbardo博士在史丹福大學 (Stanford University) 心理學系 (Psychology Department) 的地下室做了一個有關監獄模擬實驗 (The Stanford Prison Experiment)。 實驗中,邀請了 24 位通過心理健康測試的男大學生,將他們分成兩組,一組大學生被指定扮演獄警,而另一組大學生被...