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Stargate Continuum 27 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm
Wichtige Stichpunkte: ist im Grunde richtig, aber solche Infos über die Zeitmaschine gehören nicht zu den "Wichtigen Stichpunkten", sondern in den Artikel zur Maschine selbst. ← Nächstältere Version ...
Praxion 27 Aug 2013 | 03:11 pm
Geschichte: es heißt nie in der Episode, dass die Antiker die Maschine erbaut hätten. Weder im Deutschen, noch im Englischen. ← Nächstältere Version Version vom 27. August 2013, 10:11 Uhr Zeile 28:...
More star gate wiki related news:
Prvních 10 dílů Universe! 23 Jan 2010 | 10:26 am
Nedávno se objevilo v TV programech, na internetu a v jiných médiích prvních 10 dílů Star Gate: Universe. Začátek je zajímavý, tajemný a plný rozehraných situací. První díly se odehrávají na lodi, kte...
Esta Lior posted blog posts 15 Nov 2012 | 06:26 pm
Esta Lior posted blog posts Audio x2: [Spiritual Deception & Our Planetary Being ~ George Kavassilas ~ Red Ice Radio] + [Interview ~ Shiny Demise Radio] = Audio Meditation: Star Gate Portal 11-11-12...
NERIT (πόσο UFO είστε) 12 Jun 2013 | 11:42 pm
Πανέξυπνη η ονομασία Nerit για το νέο όνομα της ΕΡΤ. . (ελπίζω το Hollywood να έχει κάνει copyright το όνομα) Από το WOOKIEEPEDIA The Star Wars wiki: Nerit was one of the two moons of Ossus. It was te...
Come See Alice In Wonderland Tomorrow Night! 26 Jul 2013 | 10:33 pm
Just a reminder that our Silent & Classic Movie Nights continues this Saturday with the 1915 film version of Alice In Wonderland. Bring the whole family and watch the film under the stars. Gates open ...
Star Wars E-5, E-9, E-10, E-11 30 Jul 2013 | 08:55 pm
The E-11 BlasTech rifle. It's the standard rifle for Stormtroppers. But why is it called E-11? Is there an E-10? Or an E-9? A look on the official Star Wars Wiki reveals that there is: E-5 blaster ri...
Synchromysticism general • Re: Opening the Beetle/Beatle/Sun Stargate through Khepri 26 Aug 2013 | 06:06 am
last page Plasmaclouds mentions the Porsche 911.... long time ago I connected a few Porsche 911's to star gates/wormholes/time travel over a few posts starting here; viewtopic.php?p=14185#p14185 Sta...
Stargate to th Cosmos opens in a day! 2 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
The Big Space Bang is coming... Prepare to see the star gate to the cosmos, on your galactic cineTrip, with laser beams panning the liquid dance floors... One long sleep to go...
Log buoy – Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki 27 Aug 2013 | 07:53 pm
A log buoy, also known as a recorder-marker or an emergency buoy, was a type of space buoy that….
Tuscana Resort: 4-Star Mediterranean Style Orlando Condominium Resort 25 Apr 2012 | 09:24 am
“Tuscana Resort is 4-star Mediterranean style Orlando Condominium resort located in a gated community home of Orlando’s main Golf Champions Gate. This Tuscana Resort mixes the resort amenities with th...
Dragon Tiger Gate 19 May 2012 | 07:14 pm
Dragon Tiger Gate is a 2006 Hong Kong martial arts action film directed by Wilson Yip and featuring fight choreography by Donnie Yen, who also stars in the film. The film is based on the manhua Orient...