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Vota por el mejor televisor de 2012 16 Nov 2012 | 11:01 am
En forodvd han propuesto una votación para tratar de reunir, a través de las votaciones de sus más de 70.000 usuarios registrados, los mejores televisores de 2012 atendiendo a diferentes segmentos (po...
mundodvd presenta el top Blu-ray de 2012 6 Nov 2012 | 01:33 pm
En los foros de mundodvd han propuesto una votación abierta para seleccionar las 5 candidatas a mejor edición Blu-ray en cinco categorías diferentes, que van desde mejor edición por imagen y sonido ha...
More star trek blu ray related news:
Vente på Star Trek blu-ray? 24 Jul 2013 | 12:31 pm
Du husker kanskje at jeg og vennene diskuterte om vi skulle se Man of Steel eller Star Trek Into Darkness på kino. Vi valgte Man of Steel. Da vi diskuterte snakket vi om å se Star Trek Into Darkness s...
Did LucasFilms Add More CGI To Star Wars Blu Ray? 3 Sep 2011 | 02:15 pm
The War Between Creator And Fan Continues On Blu Ray. Word on the street is that the Blu-Ray release of the Star Wars movies have some slight changes to them. Oh by changes, I mean CGI changes. App...
The only Star Wars saga poster you’ll ever need 23 Jan 2011 | 09:00 am
In anticipation of Star Wars’ Blu-ray release, I remembered seeing this nice Star Wars saga poster a few years back and decided to share it. Good work SimonZ (the author)! Please use the following fi...
Bright Star (2009) - [Blu-ray] 18 Jul 2012 | 07:00 am
Uskyldsren kjærlighetshistorie om romantikkens poet Keats. Bright Star fokuserer på de siste årene i livet til den store romantiske poeten John Keats (1795-1821). Han døde ung, bare 25 år gammel, og ...
International Star Wars Day - Save Up to 53% Off Blu-rays and More 1 May 2013 | 02:11 am
Now through May 4th, your audience can save up to 53% off Star Wars blu-rays and more. Link to our Star Wars Store for movies, video games, books, clothing, tech gadgets, toys and games, and others as...
George Lucas Wants Everyone to Hate Him Even More 1 Sep 2011 | 07:39 am
George Lucas has yet again altered the original Star Wars trilogy for the much anticipated Blu-ray release. They are just as ridiculous as you might have hoped...VIEW FULL POST
From Paris with Love DVD and Blu-ray on June 8th 15 Apr 2010 | 04:25 am
Directed by Pierre Morel, From Paris with Love stars Rhys Meyers and John Travolta. Meyers is a young aide who wants to become a bona fide agent while Travolta is the trigger happy agent spoiling for ...
The Tortured Review 3 Jan 2012 | 12:04 pm
Relesed : 2010 Director: Robert Lieberman Writer: Marek Posival Stars: Erika Christensen, Jesse Metcalfe, Bill Lippincott & Bill Moseley. Review: 9/10 Format: DVD / Blu Ray I had low expectations For...
The Evil Dead 20 Oct 2011 | 12:54 am
USA, 1981 Director: Sam Raimi Starring: Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor The release of The Evil Dead on Blu-ray seems like a good excuse to revisit this iconic horror film. Ordina...
Star Trek: Raumschiff Enterprise – Staffel 1 [Blu-ray] 19 May 2012 | 01:49 am
Star Trek: Raumschiff Enterprise – Staffel 1 [Blu-ray] Jahr: 1966 Regie: Robert Butler, Marc Daniels, Herschel Daugherty, Lawrence Dobkin, Robert Gist Medium: Blu-ray Laufzeit: ca. 1459 Minuten L...