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Profile: Community Building and Disaster Response with the Toronto Police Service 3 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
Public Organizations and Social Media Vol 1: Toronto Police Service, Community Building and Disaster Response Although we’re a social media agency located in Vancouver, due to the global nature of so...
Social Media is Hard 24 Jul 2013 | 03:51 am
Social media is hard. Success is hard. There comes a point in your business or life when you have to decide if you’re going to hangout by the water cooler with people who are also talking about why th...
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sometimes it takes courage to stay the course 31 Jan 2013 | 04:15 am
Have you heard of a “vulnerability hangover”? I first heard the phrase from Brené Brown (whose books, by the way, are AWESOME & don’t even get me started on her Ted talk. Love.). Then this week I got ...
Video: Major Battle To Kill ObamaCare Starts Next Week 26 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm
Ted Cruz Gearing up to Lead the Grassroots Tsunami Related posts: Senate Background Check Debate Starts Next Week WASHINGTON — The first hurdle cleared with deceptive ease, the… 100 Million Gun Own...
Video: Major Battle To Kill ObamaCare Starts Next Week 26 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm
Ted Cruz Gearing up to Lead the Grassroots Tsunami Related posts: Senate Background Check Debate Starts Next Week WASHINGTON — The first hurdle cleared with deceptive ease, the... 100 Million Gun O...
Video: Major Battle To Kill ObamaCare Starts Next Week 26 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm
Ted Cruz Gearing up to Lead the Grassroots Tsunami Related posts: Senate Background Check Debate Starts Next Week WASHINGTON — The first hurdle cleared with deceptive ease, the… 100 Million Gun Own...
Global Flipped Day 9/6 20 Aug 2013 | 11:29 pm
It all started at An idea spawned by Mark Wilson about a way to spread the Flipped Classroom around the world. And today, I am proud to announce that on September 6, 2013, the Flipped Lea...
Hello world! 20 Sep 2010 | 12:16 am
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Why I Love Free Garmin GPS Maps on My Nuvi Sat Nav 2 Jun 2011 | 08:14 pm
I recently bought a Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS sat nav online at Amazon, but when I started using it in the car, I noticed that there were some new roads in my city that weren’t on it. This did strike me a...
Hello world! 1 Apr 2011 | 10:28 am
Welcome to Ticketfly. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
RIM introduces new BlackBerry Curve 9350, 9360 and 9370 27 Aug 2011 | 12:01 am
RIM introduces new BlackBerry Curve 9350, 9360 and 9370 - The Canadian company RIM has also sought to join the fashion of cell present in late August with the expectation (as do other brands) start to...
Looking Out My Window 4 Mar 2012 | 05:09 am
The snow started falling after sunrise this morning. Yesterday had brought mild temperatures and rain--lots of rain. (I'm glad that wasn't snow!) In the evening fierce winds buffeted our house on t...