Most startup weekend toronto related news are at:

Risk Tolerance 12 Aug 2013 | 07:25 pm
If there is one thing in Canadian startup land I have heard repeatedly since moving back from California it is in regards to the lack of ‘risk tolerance’ of VCs here. When I was on the operational sid...
A Perspective on Investor/Mentor Whiplash 1 Aug 2013 | 05:07 pm
Some rights reserved by nocklebeast The other day Fred Wilson posted an opinion and some tips on Investor/Mentor Whiplash. He took the position that that is a big problem for accelerators as well as...
More startup weekend toronto related news:
Startup Weekend Toronto EDU Recap: Fall in love with a problem 19 Aug 2013 | 05:55 pm
From August 9 to 11, 140 developers, teachers, designers, students and mentors worked almost non-stop for 48 hours to create the next big education startup. Canada’s first education-specific Startup W...
Startup Weekend Toronto EDU Recap: Fall in love with a problem 19 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
From August 9 to 11, 140 developers, teachers, designers, students and mentors worked almost non-stop for 48 hours to create the next big education startup. Canada’s first education-specific Startup W...
Startup Weekend Toronto EDU: Resources for starting a business 7 Aug 2013 | 02:20 am
In the world of entrepreneurship, nothing beats the 54-hour mad dash known as Startup Weekend. From the Friday evening, when people pitch their business ideas, to the Sunday afternoon pitch contest, a...
Creando Startups desde Galicia para el mundo 25 Jul 2011 | 03:12 am
Este año he vuelto a participar en el Startup Weekend Galicia, y un año más he tenido la suerte de formar parte del proyecto ganador con Live the Place (se agradece el voto Si tuviese que quedarme co...
Startup Weekend İstanbul ’12 – Winners 1 May 2012 | 10:47 pm
1) Ofis Space: Ortak ofis alanı kullanımı için ilan platformu olan bir girişim. Aslında AirBnb’nin ofisler için uyarlanmış bir örneği olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Girişimi tasarlayan ekibin yaptığı pazar ...
Startup Weekend ’12 Mezunlari 1 May 2012 | 10:45 pm
Ofis Space: Ortak ofis alanı kullanımı için ilan platformu Köpekler Gezmeyi Sever: Köpek sahiplerini, köpeklerini gezmeye çıkarmaya teşvik edecek oyunsallaştırma içeren bir servis Ulusla...
Judging Criteria 12 Apr 2012 | 03:09 am
For those who are unfamiliar, Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if their startup ideas are viable. A strong emphasis i...
Startup Weekend ’11 – Ilk 3 1 Apr 2011 | 07:40 am
1. Nereye Uçalım: Kullanıcılarına istediği bir tarih için; en uygun uçak bileti, konaklama ve organizasyon teklifleri sunan Nereye Uçalım, tamamen bağımsız teklifler yapıyor. “500 lirayla hangi ulkeye...
Startup Weekend ’11 mezunları 29 Mar 2011 | 03:29 am
1. NereyeUçalım 2. GercekEvYemekleri 3. ModaUni 4. CityInFace 5. ListMyWishes 6. TemizCamasir 7. BenSosyalim 8. 9. BakmadanAlma 10.LocoMatch 11. Adrestoran 12. Tartismatik 13. H...