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Twitter no deja de sorprenderme... 27 Aug 2013 | 12:37 am

No son pocos los posts que le dediqué a Twitter en este blog, y el de hoy será el cuarto en un mes. Pero cada uno de estos últimos tiene una particularidad: son por un hecho específico que sigue confi...

La GoPro llega al fútbol... 26 Aug 2013 | 08:58 pm

Hace un par de semanas nada más, arrancaban un post con una nota mental: "jamás me cansaré de dedicarle posts a GoPro." He aquí, uno más. Porque los motivos iniciales son siempre los mismos: crearon ...

More state of play related news:

The state of play 29 May 2012 | 11:27 pm

Hey everyone, it's so great to see (and hear) the home studio community continuing to add to the treasure trove of original music and musical advice here at maketunes. It's all of you taking part in o...

As Libya rebels march, Covert Role of NATO State Emerges 27 Aug 2011 | 05:04 pm

The role some NATO states are playing to help Libyan rebels bring down Moamer Kadhafi puts the alliance in an awkward position after repeated denials that it works hand-in-hand with the rebellion. Bri...

Jalil Johnson: CFL Ready 18 Apr 2012 | 11:00 am

This time last year Jalil Johnson was getting ready for the NFL Draft. From playing at Jackson State to playing for the Jacksonville Jaguars he tell us his amazing story of determination and his minds...

Laugh a minute news 28 Dec 2006 | 06:35 am

Been watching the so-far brilliant State of Play which makes this story seem all the more on-the-spot: The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ "Washington Times articles are routinely cited by C-SPAN,...

Obama Leading in Key States, But Race Should be Close 29 May 2012 | 04:42 am

In every modern presidential election, certain key states have played a major role in who was ultimately elected. States like Florida, Ohio and Virginia, which could swing in either direction on the p...

Why Are Amazon and Barnes and Noble the Two Top Dogs in the Ebook Market? 1 Mar 2012 | 12:56 pm

When you consider the state of play in the ebook reader market at the moment, you would have to conclude that it has transformed into a straight Kindle Touch vs Nook Touch shoot out. There are probabl...

Pitt and Penn State to Play Football Again in 2016 16 Jun 2011 | 12:48 am

So Joe Paterno finally woke up from his coma long enough to rekindle one of the greatest rivalries in college football:  Pitt vs. Penn State. It's been a long time coming and the fact that this topic ...

Choose a state lottery and improve your probabilities in order to earn! 12 Feb 2012 | 06:26 am

We all want to guess the lottery winning numbers of a state lottery! Playing your lucky numbers all over again just won’t do the trick. There have been developed many strategies and methods to increas... 5 May 2009 | 12:26 am

[06x] Peggy Sirota [GQ] Ashley találkozik az egy barátnőjével Vanessa vásárol Zac hazafelé Ashley MTV Shows [06x] Cliff Watts [InStyle UK] 1. 17 Again ? $9.5 million 2. State of Play ? $4.6 mil...

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