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More static ip address related news:
Dedicated IP hosting - benefits of using a static over shared IP address 20 Sep 2006 | 03:00 pm
Is web hosting with dedicated (static) IP address better than having a shared IP address for your website? Due to the rapid increase of the number of registered domain names and the finite number of I...
Add a static IP to a Debian/Ubuntu box 28 Oct 2011 | 04:00 am
interfaces This tutorial describes how to permanently add any number of static IP addresses to a network interface from the console. Login as root and open /etc/network/interfaces in your favorite e...
Add a static IP to a Redhat/Fedora/CentOS box 13 Aug 2010 | 06:12 am
ifcfg-eth0 Need to permanently assign a static IP address to a Linux box? This tutorial describes how to add any number of IP addresses to a network interface from the console. Login as root and cha...
Setting Static IP Address on Solaris 11 29 Dec 2011 | 05:11 pm
Solaris 11 coming with new feature and enhancement, one of it is NWAM (Network automagic) with NWAM you can create and save the network profile. In this post, I’ll blogging about how to configure your...
How to set up a static IP address on a Windows XP computer 25 Nov 2008 | 06:38 pm
How to set up a static IP address on a Windows XP computer It is very important to setup a static ip address, if you are going to use port forwarding. When you have port forwarding setup, your router ...
Create An Ftp Server On Your Pc With Serv-u 27 Jul 2010 | 04:46 am
Requirements: Serv-U Website Quote: Step 1. Getting a static IP address. Get a static address for your FTP server. You will want to do this as opposed to using your IP address for several re...
IP Address Classes 20 Sep 2012 | 02:44 am
IP Address Classes 1) Static IP address 2) Shared IP address An IP Address is a 32-bit number that identifies a computer on the Internet. Every web site on the internet is found not by its domain n...
How to assign static IPv4 static IP Address on a Windows Computer 3 Sep 2012 | 10:05 pm
How to assign static IPv4 static IP Address on a Windows Computer Whenever I travel with my laptop between the Office and home computer networks, sometime I need to manually assign IP address to compu...
Setting Static IP Address on Solaris 11 29 Dec 2011 | 08:11 am
Solaris 11 coming with new feature and enhancement, one of it is NWAM (Network automagic) with NWAM you can create and save the network profile. In this post, I’ll blogging about how to configure your...
Static IP vs. Dynamic IP Address 30 Jan 2013 | 05:42 am
A static IP address is one that remains fixed and never changes. The PC always sees the same address regardless if the session between the PC and ISP is broken or not. A Dynamic IP Address is one ...