Most stevie snacks related news are at:

Tough Lick From C-Butt Rock (Free Lesson) 24 Aug 2013 | 12:30 am
Description Here’s a pretty tough lick from a song called C-Butt Rock by Chris Duarte, off of the Texas Sugar/Strat Magik album. One of my favorite songs ever, and licks like this really pushed me to...
Weird Hendrix Blues Turnaround (Free Lesson) 10 Aug 2013 | 12:46 am
Description From the song “Once I Had A Woman” off of the “Blues” album, this chorded turnaround is a tricky beast. But once you know the chords to play, it’s just a matter of nailing the timing. Thi...
More stevie snacks related news:
Anthony Stauffer reviews Billm Mods 25 Mar 2010 | 12:20 pm
Anthony Stauffer, proprietor of the Stevie Snacks and Old Tone Zone sites, had some mods done. Here’s his review: Plug in headphones or play through good speakers for full effect. His amp was the fi...
4 Reasons to Skip Late Night Snacks 21 Jul 2010 | 10:44 pm
4 Reasons to Skip Late Night Snacks Late night snacks are my favorite way to guarantee I get to the leftovers before my husband can scarf them down. The way I see it, it's like the old proverb abo.....
Ron Insana On HFT 28 Jul 2009 | 10:28 am
Hey Ron, didn't realize your new position as a contributing editor on CNBC came with the contributing title of "Portfolio Manager." Didn't Stevie put a one year kibbosh on that? But I digress... And i...
Zarelli’s departure alters 18th races 30 May 2012 | 08:01 am
By Stevie Mathieu, The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash. May 28–Republican state Sen. Joseph Zarelli’s surprise decision to step down has shaken up the political landscape of the 18th Legislative District,...
Live Disco set @ Room26, Rome 14 Apr 2010 | 02:46 am
“Disco Survivors” night with Kenny Carpenter Playlist For Your Love Stevie Wonder Dazz ...
Win Re-usable Snack & Sandwich Bags from 27 May 2012 | 09:14 am
I cannot tell you, over the years, how many lunches I have packed for my kids to take to school or for me to take to work with me. Each lunch I packed contained several plastic bags each day. A bag ...
Ice Cream Sandwich 22 Mar 2012 | 11:49 am
Isn’t this a blog for new technology stuff? Why is there a post named after your favorite snack? That is because Ice Cream Sandwich is what Android users are calling the newest version of the Android ...
A Great Snack: Baked Garbanzo Beans (Chick Peas) with Moroccan Spices 15 Dec 2011 | 08:14 pm
I want to share a great recipe I recently came across. This recipe is from Kalyn’s Kitchen, a website I’m unfamiliar with, but bills itself as a “home-cooking blog where I share recipes that show how...
SCRIPTURE SNACKS? 13 Jan 2012 | 07:54 pm
Why? & What are Scripture Snacks? Well…. There is nothing that satisfies my soul like God’s Word. Whether it’s being spoken or read or heard through song, we need it; we survive by it. Scripture Snac...
Up to 9 Miles! 16 Apr 2012 | 01:55 pm
[Some snapshots from today's run: Lake Miramar, my Asics, a great song to run to, and my snacks of choice] The half-marathon is in 3 weeks (eeek!), and today I made it to 9 miles! Although I love the...