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Mimlendim! 1 May 2011 | 11:30 pm
Sevgili bana mim yollamış, çok teşekkürler :) Mimin konusu ise; Bir blog hikayeniz var mı? Tabii ki de var. Gazetelerde ve birçok moda dergisinde sürekli "Style Ro...
The dangers of drones and a Terminator apocalypse 20 Apr 2011 | 08:07 pm
OK, so at 8:11pm on April 19th, the military-designed artificial intelligence system called Skynet didn’t become self-aware and turn against its creators. And the real chances of a Terminator-style ro...
Daha Balunga Review 13 Jul 2013 | 05:01 pm
Daha Balunga Odia Movie Review 3.5 Stars Daha balunga is a movie which has all the elements to strike gold in mass circuits.It has lots of south-style actions,Bollywood style romance and Odia style ro...
Tuesday’s Overlooked: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008) 6 Aug 2013 | 11:15 am
This week’s overlooked selection is a film I have only recently had the pleasure of seeing, and am all the happier for the experience. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day is a “classic Hollywood-styled” ro...
titoni airmaster (sold) 26 Jan 2012 | 07:07 am
Jenama : TITONI Model : airmaster Buatan : made in SWISS Tahun : 70-an or 80-an date : set date style lama 24 jam...pusing pkul 8 dan 12 akan naik hari baru.. Kemasan : stainless steel Pergerakan : ro...
Cantec pentru Romania – Profides 30 May 2012 | 06:29 am
Formatia Profides interpreteaza un Cantec pentru Romania Alte articole asemanatoare: Profides în Bihor « Romania Evanghelica Profides în Bihor .
Azi si maine poti sustine si tu restartul Educatiei in Romania! 23 Mar 2012 | 03:34 pm
Acum 4 ani, in martie 2008, initiam proiectul alaturi de o echipa de tineri care credeau ca lucrurile cu impact pozivit merita mai mult decat franturi de stiri. Asa a devenit p...
"Vreau sa lupt!" 17 Sep 2010 | 04:52 pm
Am aflat de Marius Giradă de pe Situaţia lui e atât de impresionantă încât cuvintele noastre par de prisos. Cuvintele lui Marius, însă, ne arată cât de grea este lupta pentru ceea c...
Dig de solidaritate 1 Jul 2010 | 07:38 pm
"Dig de solidaritate - Criza nu ne poate saraci de bunul cel mai scump: UMANITATEA! Autor: Bunicii, fratii si verisorii nostri au nevoie de ajutor! In timp ce noi privim inundatiile...
Eye know you got a bad tattoo 21 Oct 2009 | 09:41 am
This gem was sent to me by a reader. Thanks! I love the "painterly" style. If anyone knows what's going on here, please let me know! And this one... yeesh! It has everything! Spraypaint, tears, a ro...