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Twitter Marketing Tip – Stop Spamming 27 Jul 2010 | 03:45 am
So many people are using Twitter now and many of their Tweets are just basically spam posts pushing their website or blog. This is not going to get them anywhere but unfollowed. The rules of Web 2.0/3...
Spam comments and links 21 Aug 2011 | 06:19 am
You are welcome to comment and add your website in the relevant space. Please stop spam comments and links as you are only wasting my time. They will not be approved. Share something good and useful a...
How to Stop Spam in your Email 20 Oct 2011 | 06:11 am
Spammers commonly find email recipients by using a spambot by searching for addresses on websites, forums, or Usenet groups, for example. Another way is to use a name generating type of software which...
How to Stop Spam in your Email 20 Oct 2011 | 06:11 am
Spammers commonly find email recipients by using a spambot by searching for addresses on websites, forums, or Usenet groups, for example. Another way is to use a name generating type of software which...
Stop SPAM with Akismet 30 Apr 2010 | 12:00 am
The class was developed in order to help the data process verification by using the Akismet service for detect SPAM. After downloading the class, we add the class.akismet.php file. The follow is to c...
Hãy Comment có ý nghĩa! 28 Feb 2011 | 04:57 pm
Để không bị gọi là spam, để forum sạch đẹp, để tôn trọng người đọc, để tôn trọng chính mình,... Bạn hãy comment (trả lời bài viết) có ý nghĩa đáng để người đọc không cảm thấy nhàm chán,... Tránh các ...
Forum Rules 22 Sep 2008 | 10:46 pm
Forum Rules 1. No bump posts! 2. Refrain from using foul language! 3. Spam post belongs to the spam forum! 4. Don't post vulgar, offending pictures or porn! 5. Listen to the forum moderators! 6....
Rules. [More wsill be added as time goes on] 2 Nov 2008 | 11:05 am
RULE IDEA PUNISHMENT No picking on others for trivial problems, such as post whoreing. Leave it for the admins to sort The post will be deleted, without warning. spamming A spam forum has been ...
Stopping Spam for Exchange Users 3 Nov 2010 | 05:38 am
Spam doesn’t have to be a way of life; add to the built-in spam tools in Exchange Server with services that can almost banish spam from the inbox.
Online Email Server Test 8 Dec 2009 | 02:00 am
The problem of SPAM is ever increasing. No need for me to discuss that. With the increase in SPAM, there is also an increase in the number of technologies for stopping SPAM. Five years back, implemen...