Most straits quay related news are at:
Small Party With Lemang And Rendang 27 Aug 2013 | 07:55 am
Forget about dieting... it is really no Fun! LOL... We are still in a festive mood... Hari Raya Food Galore is still looming around... Where there is fun, there is food... or should I say, where the...
Liposonix: Alternative Treatment to Lose an Inch 27 Aug 2013 | 05:25 am
To say that I'm growing sideways with a few inches extra is an understatement. But that can't be helped, I guess, with all the eating binge that I've been doing lately. My recent pic...feeling as ...
More straits quay related news:
替文章化妆 30 Apr 2012 | 03:11 am
今早,孩子说要写点东西在部落阁上分享。 还不足一刻的时间,他就写好并要刊登在这部落阁上。 我连忙拦住他,笑说:"让我作你的第一个读者,先睹为快!" 以下是他的杰作,像一张清纯的素脸向我们微笑: **************************************************************昨晚,我们到槟城豪华的购物广场"Straits Quay"逛逛。在那里,我们到...
Paella Cookout @ Agua, Straits Quay, Penang 4 May 2012 | 10:07 pm
~dusts cobwebs from this lil cyber space~ Hi! I’m back! So where have I disappeared to for the past year or so, you may ask? Well, basically, juggling my day job and my other ‘night’ job (where I’ve ...
Weissbrau German Bistro & Bar @Straits Quay, Penang. 31 May 2011 | 02:41 am
去年生肖運程說驛馬星動,剛巧被公司安排出差,想說嗯也許還挺準的。豈知今年還未開始已被安排兩個行程-擾攘間匆忙間恍惚間半年過去,原本想說要好好寫下的,一拖就快四個月。今天想說的這家德國餐廳,其實當時受邀試吃時我人在國外未能出席,回來後也已經自己再去了兩次,試了當時出席試吃會的阿豐強烈推薦的幾道食物,然後正式成為她的粉絲啦。 基本上我的最愛是豬腳-媽媽的拿手好菜鹵豬腳以外,德國豬腳pork knuc...
Happy 2011 at Straits Quay 1 Jan 2011 | 10:24 pm
It has been more than a year I did not update my blog Welcome back to blogging Happy New Year 2011 to all my dearies ^^ Celebrating the Year of 2011 at Straits Quay Dining in DOME instead of Blue Re...
IWA performance 26 Nov 2011 | 11:41 pm
today was a great day. we performed for international women association at straits quay.everything was fine. all stunts went up. i am so proud of you guys. so, we performed one cheer routine and a dan...
My Penang diary 11: Berlin's Bier Houz 8 Dec 2011 | 04:00 am
Berlin's Bier Houz in Straits Quay. Do you remember I introduce Straits Quay before? Just a recap: Straits Quay is a beautiful vibrant place at day. At night, it turn to be a mysterious hang out pl...
[Invited]Weissbräu German Bistro & Bar Launching of New Menu's Party 26 May 2011 | 01:33 pm
Weissbräu German Bistro & Bar at Straits Quay, Penang, launched its new menu to a group of invited bloggers, media, patrons and a star-studded group of friends on last Friday night, 20th May 2011. Th...
Weissbräu German Bistro & Bar Invited Review 3 Mar 2011 | 04:56 pm
Weissbräu German Bistro & Bar situated at North Block of newly opened Straits Quay, Penang, had just started its operation for 3 months. The branch which is in Kuala Lumpur is situated at ‘Connection’...
1st Charlie Brown Cafe Malaysia @ Straits Quay, Tanjong Tokong, Penang. (Halal) 9 Aug 2011 | 08:21 pm
My facebook friends Reggie Gunn and his wife Caleste Betty who flied all the way from Kota Kinabalu to Penang Island which is also known as 'The Pearl of the Orient' to celebrate their 1st Anniversary...
My Penang diary 11: Berlin's Bier Houz 7 Dec 2011 | 11:00 pm
Berlin's Bier Houz in Straits Quay. Do you remember I introduce Straits Quay before? Just a recap: Straits Quay is a beautiful vibrant place at day. At night, it turn to be a mysterious hang out pl...