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Home Values May Fall 30% in 2010 and You Want to Buy When? 10 Apr 2010 | 04:00 pm
Homebuyer Strategy vs. The Balancing Act of a Lifetime – what’s yours? Photo courtesy of Pink Sherbet’s photostream via Flickr Is now a good time to buy a house? Based on what you’ve heard here, in...
Keyphrase Rich Domain Strategy vs Brand 25 Nov 2011 | 03:58 am
Do you buy a domain name which includes your keywords as a strategy to rank high for that keyphrase in search engines? The following video featuring Matt Cutts sheds some light on the question answer...
3 Ways To Double Your Productivity 29 Jan 2012 | 12:28 pm
Here is a short video from Ramit Sethi on ‘Strategies vs. Tactics’. In this video Ramit suggests 3 strategies for doubling your productivity. [trafficplayer_youtube_video width="640" height="385" src...
Content Curation - Content Strategy vs. Museums 10 Nov 2011 | 09:48 am
Here's an excellent article by Jonathan Salem Baskin on applying the concepts of museum curation to the idea of content curation. There is a lot that we as content strategists can learn from folks wh...
Keyphrase Rich Domain Strategy vs Brand 24 Nov 2011 | 10:58 pm
Answering the seo question "do you buy a domain name which includes your keywords as a strategy to rank high for that keyphrase in search engines?"
Greeks gave us strategy vs. tactics: Now understand the difference 22 Sep 2012 | 04:45 am
If you are in the military or in business It’s important to understand the difference between strategy and tactics. They are often misused and/or misinterpreted by people in a work setting. Millennia...
Strategy vs. Tactics for the Horse Handicapper 22 Jul 2013 | 09:05 pm
This post began as a topic on The Horse Handicapping Authority Facebook page. Alan Horvath, a very accomplished handicapper that I follow on FB, asked this question: Alan Horvath Race tactics vs. lon...
Content Strategy vs. Content Marketing: Do you know the difference? 2 Aug 2013 | 11:44 pm
We are hearing a lot about content and its impact on all things digital. BUT, too many people are using content strategy and content marketing interchangeably – and they are not the same. In short, c...
Content Strategy vs. Content Marketing: Do you know the difference? 2 Aug 2013 | 11:44 pm
We are hearing a lot about content and its impact on all things digital. BUT, too many people are using content strategy and content marketing interchangeably – and they are not the same. In short, c...
Kindle Fire HD Strategy vs iPad is too focused on where the puck is 10 Jul 2013 | 12:53 am
Here are two quotes from Wayne Gretzky that are cliché-overload. However, they describe Amazon’s Kindle Fire HD strategy perfectly (in reverse) - “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where ...