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BorderScout 12 Jan 2010 | 08:33 pm
Antivirus and antispam for your POP/IMAP. Set policies and view quarantined emails via our online interface. Only works with Claranet POP/IMAP emails. Call to Action: Enquire Now Link: email-se.....
All emails migrated 17 Oct 2012 | 03:20 pm
We have now migrated all email accounts to our new incoming mail server. If you use an email address ending in "" please update your email client's POP3/IMAP settings to us...
Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server Setup Howto for Ubuntu 10.04 13 Sep 2011 | 01:27 am
Installing and setting up Dovecot in Ubuntu 10.04 is easy. All we have to do is set the mailbox format to maildir and we are good to go. Configure Dovecot 1. Edit the file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ...
Managing email the easy way with IMAP 27 Nov 2011 | 03:29 pm
Having set up email accounts for many small business clients one thing that is becoming increasingly clear is that most people now access their email in multiple ways. Typically those ways could inclu...
Disabling the Priority Inbox 22 Jul 2011 | 02:49 am
If you want to disable the Priority Inbox in Sparrow, here is what you can do: Go to your Gmail Web app Settings > Labels and Untick the ‘Show in IMAP‘ corresponding to the ‘Important’ label. Wait...
cara setting domain strato di 000webhost 24 Nov 2011 | 01:08 am
Pada artikel sebelumnya saya sudah memberikan tips cara order domain gratis di strato, nah kali ini saya akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara setting domain strato di tempat penyedia hosting gratis seperti...
How to Install and Setting Mail Server on Linux Debian 9 Jan 2011 | 09:06 pm
To install the mail server, just install squirrelmail, postfix, and courier-imap. apt-get install postifx courier-imap squirrelmail And add this script to apache settings. I use this script : cp /e....
Setting Up Your POP or IMAP Email Address in Microsoft Outlook 14 Feb 2010 | 07:40 pm
This tutorial shows you how to set up Microsoft Outlook 2003® to work with your e-mail account. This tutorial focuses on setting up Microsoft Outlook 2003, but these settings are similar in other vers...
Review: Phottix Strato II Multi Flash Trigger 30 May 2011 | 02:59 pm
Following up on their popular Strato wireless flash triggers, Phottix is set to announce the Strato II Multi as their successor, and FlashRAW has an exclusive first review. The Strato II Multi tak...
Setting Ms. Outlook Dengan Protokol IMAP 28 Mar 2011 | 01:54 pm
Lama gak posting, sekarang saya coba membagi tips untuk seting Ms. Outlook menggunakan protokol IMAP. 1. Isi terlebih dahulu semua kolom yang dibtuhkan pada Internet E-mail Settings, seperti gambar d...