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INDIA'S OLDEST STUDENT AT 100 18 Oct 2010 | 05:44 pm
India's oldest student at 100... GUWAHATI: A teacher, a lawyer, a judge and now back to being a student - 100-year-old Bholaram Das has just enrolled for his doctorate, perhaps becoming India's oldes...
IIT JEE,2012 Results finally announced 19 May 2012 | 02:50 am
IIT JEE,2012 Results finally announced After 2 years of Endless dreams lakhs of Students were finally able to see their fate. Every year around 5 lakh students appear for INDIA’s Toughest Entrance Ex...
Documents Required For Student Visa Application 14 Feb 2011 | 05:04 pm
India continues to be the country to send maximum number of students abroad for academics, and USA is the prime destination for it. Applying for visa is one of the foremost tasks for them and can be ...
2007-Present, President of Indonesian Student Association in India (PPI-India). 2007-Present, Development Manager of ShARE-International for South-East Asia Region. 2006, Founder of “Forum Lintas Ge...
Global Student Entrepreneur Awards(GSEA) India 1 Sep 2011 | 06:25 pm
I have been nominated for the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards - India Finals which will be taking place at Coimbatore on 1st September. The winner would represent India as one of the 30 finalists ...
Meeting Recap - Tips to Keep Your Students Motivation Going Strong 20 Nov 2010 | 07:11 am
On November 16th and November 18th, Keystone held the monthly Parent Meeting webinar titled ‘Tips to Keep Your Student’s Motivation Going Strong’ with about 50 parents in attendance from both our Midd...
India: Music in Khairat 12 Oct 2010 | 05:44 pm
India: Music in Khairat Elementary students in Khairat, India, have kept their attendance near 100% since their school received XOs. Their teachers run weekly workshops inviting other teachers to com...
Offer - Online Jobs (6315) 12 Jan 2013 | 06:07 pm
The students in Pakistan & india and in many other countries are fond of using internet. The main reason for using internet could either be some help required in studies or getting in touch with frien...
Constitution 15 Apr 2013 | 05:35 pm
Constitution The name of the organization shall be Students’ Federation of India. AIMS 1. To organize the students in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions of the count...
12th All India Conference 15 Apr 2013 | 05:38 pm
SCALING a new height for the Students Federation of India (SFI), its 12th all-India,conference at Comrade P Sundarayya Nagar, Hyderabad, was indeed historic in more than one way.It was for the first t...